Pen Name: Making Pen Name Your Friend In Niche And Article Marketing
A pen name, also called nom de plume, is a pseudonym used by a writer.
Put another way, it's any name other than your real name you adopt for marketing purpose.
A pen name is a powerful niche and article marketing tool.
Use it wisely and you may reap its many rewards when it comes to niche marketing with article marketing.
So, what's in a pen name? Why do you need one in niche and article marketing in the first place? How about a whole new personality with all the good qualities you ever wanted? The idea is simple.
Just like a movie star play acting a hero on screen, you can turn into the person you always want to be with a new pen name.
No more being burdened with all the doubts and flops.
You can be confident and resourceful.
You can turn from failure to instant success.
Just with the use of a pen name.
All of us have hang ups, big or small.
They hold us back one way or another.
If merely using a pen name can liberate you from the hang ups, won't you do it? I know I will.
This is one good reason to use a pen name for niche and article marketing if nothing else.
Next, let me ask you a question as a buyer.
Say you have a long list of shopping items in assorted categories from children books, cosmetics, health supplements, down to computers and what have you.
When looking for reviews, you keep bumping into my articles promoting all these products, professing to be an expert in each and every item you're buying.
What will you think of me? Exactly.
You'll doubt my creditability, no doubt.
So here is another reason to use a pen name: business creditability.
Using different pen names when you're article marketing in different niches helps you to maintain your business creditability.
At the least you won't be seen as a Jack of all trades and master of none.
A name will often project a certain type of image in our minds.
By choosing an appropriate pen name, you could have already done half the selling.
Because like it or not, you and I both have preconceived ideas about who is more convincing selling what product.
Don't believe me? Try this.
You have a cosmetic product and a body building supplement to sell.
Here I have 2 top sales persons who can sell anything: a beautiful lady and a muscular man.
Who will you assign to sell which product? See my point? You can use a pen name to convey an image of the gender and personality that fits the type of product being sold.
A macho name like Leonard Bullock would be good for hunting gears.
On the other hand, an exotic name like Yves Lafayette would fit cosmetic products better.
So, use a different pen name when article marketing for each of the niches you're in.
And you'll have instant branding in your niches without spending a cent.
Then there are situations where you don't wish to be personally connected to a certain product.
Maybe you wish to sell legitimate adult products on the quiet.
Maybe you want to avoid unwanted phone calls and emails at home.
Whatever the reason, a pen name will help solve your problem.
It lets you remain somewhat anonymous by making it more difficult to connect you to the product.
There is one more reason you may want to use a pen name in article marketing: Others have found it difficult to spell or pronounce your name.
Make it easy for your potential customers to remember your name, and they will find you friendlier.
You do tend to buy from a friend's recommendation, don't you? So, what's in a pen name? What good will it do to article marketing? Plenty! Positive personality, business creditability, branding and anonymity if nothing else.
A pen name is a potent niche and article marketing tool.
Use it wisely to reap its many benefits.
Start thinking of a pen name when you next enter a niche market using article marketing.
Put another way, it's any name other than your real name you adopt for marketing purpose.
A pen name is a powerful niche and article marketing tool.
Use it wisely and you may reap its many rewards when it comes to niche marketing with article marketing.
So, what's in a pen name? Why do you need one in niche and article marketing in the first place? How about a whole new personality with all the good qualities you ever wanted? The idea is simple.
Just like a movie star play acting a hero on screen, you can turn into the person you always want to be with a new pen name.
No more being burdened with all the doubts and flops.
You can be confident and resourceful.
You can turn from failure to instant success.
Just with the use of a pen name.
All of us have hang ups, big or small.
They hold us back one way or another.
If merely using a pen name can liberate you from the hang ups, won't you do it? I know I will.
This is one good reason to use a pen name for niche and article marketing if nothing else.
Next, let me ask you a question as a buyer.
Say you have a long list of shopping items in assorted categories from children books, cosmetics, health supplements, down to computers and what have you.
When looking for reviews, you keep bumping into my articles promoting all these products, professing to be an expert in each and every item you're buying.
What will you think of me? Exactly.
You'll doubt my creditability, no doubt.
So here is another reason to use a pen name: business creditability.
Using different pen names when you're article marketing in different niches helps you to maintain your business creditability.
At the least you won't be seen as a Jack of all trades and master of none.
A name will often project a certain type of image in our minds.
By choosing an appropriate pen name, you could have already done half the selling.
Because like it or not, you and I both have preconceived ideas about who is more convincing selling what product.
Don't believe me? Try this.
You have a cosmetic product and a body building supplement to sell.
Here I have 2 top sales persons who can sell anything: a beautiful lady and a muscular man.
Who will you assign to sell which product? See my point? You can use a pen name to convey an image of the gender and personality that fits the type of product being sold.
A macho name like Leonard Bullock would be good for hunting gears.
On the other hand, an exotic name like Yves Lafayette would fit cosmetic products better.
So, use a different pen name when article marketing for each of the niches you're in.
And you'll have instant branding in your niches without spending a cent.
Then there are situations where you don't wish to be personally connected to a certain product.
Maybe you wish to sell legitimate adult products on the quiet.
Maybe you want to avoid unwanted phone calls and emails at home.
Whatever the reason, a pen name will help solve your problem.
It lets you remain somewhat anonymous by making it more difficult to connect you to the product.
There is one more reason you may want to use a pen name in article marketing: Others have found it difficult to spell or pronounce your name.
Make it easy for your potential customers to remember your name, and they will find you friendlier.
You do tend to buy from a friend's recommendation, don't you? So, what's in a pen name? What good will it do to article marketing? Plenty! Positive personality, business creditability, branding and anonymity if nothing else.
A pen name is a potent niche and article marketing tool.
Use it wisely to reap its many benefits.
Start thinking of a pen name when you next enter a niche market using article marketing.