How to Setup a Church Maintenance Planning
- 1). Start with the logistics of the church. Is the building large or small? Are there any special needs you need to address, such as audio on Sunday mornings? Did you construct the building or purchase it from a previous owner? How old is the church buiding in years? Once you answer all these questions like these, you'll begin to understand the logistics of the church and its special needs.
- 2). Formulate a maintenance plan. Once you have broken down the age of the building and its maintenance needs, you now need to proceed to the next step - the actual planning. The maintenance plan will include items such as age of the building, what needs repaired now and what needs to be repaired in the future and what renovations need to eventually be made. Break down the areas of concern from most important to least important.
- 3). Calculate the budget for the maintenance plan once you have prioritized the needs. You may find that your first need or two is going to cost a lot of money. Do you take out a loan and or do you have the means to raise money for the project. What problems can you fix now that require little labor and/or tools? Once the budget for each issue is calculated, you now can break down what things you will fix and when you will fix them.
- 4). Hire employees or seek volunteers to help with the maintenance. Now that you have a plan and budget, it's all about execution. Most churches are going to first seek volunteers, because plain and simple, the money is now there. However, if you are blessed with a large church, you'll likely have a full-time maintenance staff.