What You Need to Know About Botox
As you might know, Botox treatment is the most popular and number one cosmetic procedure in the United States.
For ladies who are worried of their facial lines and wrinkles, Botox has been an excellent solution for years now.
Wrinkles are normally caused by a chemical contained in the skin named acetylcholine.
Due to the action of this chemical in the skin, the muscles contract and create wrinkles.
With Botox, these wrinkles can be combated through the paralysis of the muscle, resulting in the stoppage of the contractions.
Following a Botox procedure, you will see marked and amazing results as early as one week.
In fact, Botox is known to reduce those unaesthetic wrinkles by nearly 80 percent and the achieved results from one session can last for three months or more.
The Botox treatment normally comes in injections and they are administered to the patient in the physician's office without the use of anesthesia.
Prior to the injection, the surgeon will select various injection points in your face, which will give the best results.
Contrast to your expectation, these injection points will be in the location of the muscle rather than the wrinkles.
After selecting the correct amount of Botox to be injected, the doctor will inject Botox into the skin.
This entire process will be complete within a few minutes to 20 minutes.
And, you can go home soon after.
For a mom like you who is conscious of her appearance, Botox is an ideal solution.
For all those hideous and unwanted marks of aging, Botox is the best method of attack.
For ladies who are worried of their facial lines and wrinkles, Botox has been an excellent solution for years now.
Wrinkles are normally caused by a chemical contained in the skin named acetylcholine.
Due to the action of this chemical in the skin, the muscles contract and create wrinkles.
With Botox, these wrinkles can be combated through the paralysis of the muscle, resulting in the stoppage of the contractions.
Following a Botox procedure, you will see marked and amazing results as early as one week.
In fact, Botox is known to reduce those unaesthetic wrinkles by nearly 80 percent and the achieved results from one session can last for three months or more.
The Botox treatment normally comes in injections and they are administered to the patient in the physician's office without the use of anesthesia.
Prior to the injection, the surgeon will select various injection points in your face, which will give the best results.
Contrast to your expectation, these injection points will be in the location of the muscle rather than the wrinkles.
After selecting the correct amount of Botox to be injected, the doctor will inject Botox into the skin.
This entire process will be complete within a few minutes to 20 minutes.
And, you can go home soon after.
For a mom like you who is conscious of her appearance, Botox is an ideal solution.
For all those hideous and unwanted marks of aging, Botox is the best method of attack.