Prince Or Princess? Choosing Your Baby's Gender? E-Book Review
Choosing your baby's sex can be a very exciting, yet stressful time in your life. There are plenty of methods to help you make a baby girl or make a baby boy. But how about learning how to choose your baby's gender naturally? That is what my wife and I hoped for and found with the e-book, "Prince or Princess? Choosing Your Baby's Gender Before Conception."
Of course you can go down the road of advanced technology solutions. In vitro fertilization (IVF). is almost an assured way to pick the gender of your baby. Unfortunately the cost of using in vitro fertilization is high and sadly most couples just can't afford it in this economy. Lucky for you new parents there are plenty of other alternatives to IVF that will cost you a lot less in the long run.
That is why I really liked this book. We didn't have thousands of dollars to invest in IVF. The methods laid out in this book were all inexpensive and actually rather practical. One of the preferred methods is simply a proper diet. New parents may not realize this, but a proper diet can actually help influence the gender of your baby. The amount of food, the times of day you eat, and what you eat can actually help influence the gender of the baby. If you want to have a boy, you must eat the right breakfast. Choose the right cereal and you on your way to a bouncing baby boy. Consult with your physician before you make any drastic changes to your diet.
There is also the Shettles Method. The sperm containing Y chromosomes move faster than X chromosome carrying sperm. This is a common method for having a baby girl. Aspiring parents are recommended to have sex every day starting at the end of the woman's period until three days before she begins ovulating.
There is also the O+12 method for conceiving girls. Allegedly the O+ 12 method was developed by a mother of six sons who was desperate for a baby girl. This method recommends sexual intercourse approximately 12 hours after ovulation. Reportedly the woman was successful and had a bouncing baby girl with her seventh pregnancy.
Prince or Princess? Choosing your Baby's Gender before Conception, is a fantastic book full of these and other influential methods of choosing gender. The book offers dozens of methods and ideas that have been successful for new parents around the world. If none of the above methods work for you, Prince or Princess is a fabulous alternative.
Good luck and happy baby making!
Prince or Princess? Choosing Your Baby's Gender? can be ordered from
Of course you can go down the road of advanced technology solutions. In vitro fertilization (IVF). is almost an assured way to pick the gender of your baby. Unfortunately the cost of using in vitro fertilization is high and sadly most couples just can't afford it in this economy. Lucky for you new parents there are plenty of other alternatives to IVF that will cost you a lot less in the long run.
That is why I really liked this book. We didn't have thousands of dollars to invest in IVF. The methods laid out in this book were all inexpensive and actually rather practical. One of the preferred methods is simply a proper diet. New parents may not realize this, but a proper diet can actually help influence the gender of your baby. The amount of food, the times of day you eat, and what you eat can actually help influence the gender of the baby. If you want to have a boy, you must eat the right breakfast. Choose the right cereal and you on your way to a bouncing baby boy. Consult with your physician before you make any drastic changes to your diet.
There is also the Shettles Method. The sperm containing Y chromosomes move faster than X chromosome carrying sperm. This is a common method for having a baby girl. Aspiring parents are recommended to have sex every day starting at the end of the woman's period until three days before she begins ovulating.
There is also the O+12 method for conceiving girls. Allegedly the O+ 12 method was developed by a mother of six sons who was desperate for a baby girl. This method recommends sexual intercourse approximately 12 hours after ovulation. Reportedly the woman was successful and had a bouncing baby girl with her seventh pregnancy.
Prince or Princess? Choosing your Baby's Gender before Conception, is a fantastic book full of these and other influential methods of choosing gender. The book offers dozens of methods and ideas that have been successful for new parents around the world. If none of the above methods work for you, Prince or Princess is a fabulous alternative.
Good luck and happy baby making!
Prince or Princess? Choosing Your Baby's Gender? can be ordered from