Pennsylvania Archery Clubs
- Arrowheads are found near prehistoric settlements.indian arrowhead image by Jim Mills from
Modern day archery has evolved as a sport from prehistoric hunting tools and weaponry. Historians think that archery is at least 5,000 years old, and may be much older than that. Pennsylvania Archery Clubs exist for toxophilites, defined as bow lovers, to gather and share their love and knowledge of the sport. Archery clubs plan events and competitions for their members and have ranges, which give the members a place to hone their skills. - Archery clubs help members improve their skills.archery image by grafiker from
An indoor archery range is available at the Reading Archery Club. With the ability to shoot 30-yard shots and its excellent lighting, the indoor range is a viable option during inclement weather. Outdoor practice area and archery courses are also available. The Reading Archery Club hosts tournaments throughout the year and has an active JOAD, Junior Olympic Archery Development, program.
Reading Archery Club
880 Church Road
Reading, PA 19607
610-775-4871 - Members have the opportunity to test new equipment.lady archer seven image by Paul Moore from
Open to all ages and skill levels, Flood City Bowmen Archery Club is a club that can involve the whole family. The Indoor and Nite Owl leagues help archers improve their abilities regardless of their work schedules or other responsibilities. Experienced members enjoy helping young archer of all ages learn the skills required to become an accomplished archer. Flood City Bowman promotes all forms of archery and has been helping archers in Johnstown, Pennsylvania for 50 years.
Flood City Bowmen
507 Fulmer Road
Johnstown, PA 15904
814-539-3227 - It is never too early to practice archery.the archer 4 image by Paul Moore from
Incorporated in 1964, Clover Leaf Archery Club is available for individuals and families that want their archery skills to grow. A 20-yard indoor range is available which has 16 lanes with three rows each. The outdoor practice course has ranges up to 50-yards and a styrofoam block for broadhead practice. Another outdoor course has repaired targets in place year around; this course lets members have a chance to practice their skills at any time of day or night at no extra cost. An elevated platform provides members the opportunity to practice their tree stand shots.
Clover Leaf Archery Club
2080 Umbreit Road
Milford Square, PA 18935
215-538-9085 - Controlled practice areas increase your skills for the hunt.Men bow shooting. Amateur competition in the sanatorium image by Igor Zhorov from
Indoor and outdoor practice facilities are available at the Charleroi Archery Club in Charleroi, Pennsylvania. Chartered by the National Field Archery Association and the Pennsylvania Field and Target archers, Charleroi Archery Club is also a member of the Pennsylvania State Archery Association. Regular monthly meetings and various family activities provide archers the opportunity to increase their skills in a friendly atmosphere.
Charleroi Archery Club
194 Fremont Road
Charleroi, Pennsylvania 15022
The Reading Archery Club
Flood City Bowmen
Clover Leaf Archery Club
Charleroi Archery Club