Nutrition Facts for Cartmel Sticky Toffee Pudding
- There are quite a few calories in each serving.candy calories image by Brett Mulcahy from
The calories in the pudding can vary. Store bought products may contain as few as 332 calories while a homemade recipe can get as high as 441 calories. About one-third of all of those calories come from fat. - Watch the fats in these desserts.Butter image by Cornelia Pithart from
Pudding purchased at the store seems to be healthier with only 14g of fat compared to 19.8 grams. The homemade pudding has twice as much saturated fats with 12.2 grams, an equal amount of polyunsaturated fats, about 1 gram, and slightly more mono-saturated fats 5.3 grams instead of 4.1 grams. - Comparing the purchased to homemade puddings there is a difference in amounts of cholesterol being consumed, 49 mg. homemade, to 81 mg. purchased. However, there is significantly more sodium, 315 mg. homemade, compared to 235mg. purchased.
- The store purchased pudding has fewer carbs, particularly sugars, than the homemade recipe calls for. There are 45 g. in the purchased pudding, as opposed to 65.2 g. in the homemade recipe. But for sugars there are 34 grams in the purchased variety, far fewer than the 50.4 grams in the homemade recipe. The sugars can be a big deal for people trying to watch their glycemic levels.
Cholesterol and Sodium