How to Ensure a Safe Experience Using a Razor Scooter
Each time before you let your child ride on their Razor Scooter you need to perform a visible inspection of the scooter.
Take a close look and make sure there are no visible signs of damage to the handles, the bar-stem, the foot platform or the wheels.
The wheels should spin freely without any friction and all adjustable parts should be securely fashioned.
Since most Razor Scooters are designed for many sized people you will have to make sure that the handlebars are at the correct height.
Another important thing to check is the foot break.
The foot break should be able to be depressed with little effort.
If you notice anything that seems like it could cause injury (loose handlebars or major cracks in the metal for example) you should definitely not let your child ride it and you should seek out a replacement.
Once you decide the Razor Scooter is safe to operate you can proceed to the next step.
Before letting your child onto their scooter you need to make sure they are wearing the proper safety equipment.
It doesn't matter if they are just riding around in circles in your driveway, a helmet is a must each and every time your child rides their scooter.
Additional safety equipment such as wrist guards, elbow guards and knee pads are a great idea for children just getting introduced to riding on a scooter for the first time.
Accidents do happen and it is quite important that your child have the necessary safety gear should they have a spill.
After your child has finished enjoying their Razor Scooter for the day you may opt to do another quick visible inspection of the scooter to ensure that no major damage that would affect the performance has occurred.
Once that is complete the scooter should be stored in a safe spot.
Since Razor Scooters are made primarily from metal you should store it in a place that is out of the elements and since Razor Scooters collapse this makes for easy and low impact storage.
Never store the scooter outside where fog or rain can come in contact with it.
Water creates rust which can make the scooter unsafe to operate
Take a close look and make sure there are no visible signs of damage to the handles, the bar-stem, the foot platform or the wheels.
The wheels should spin freely without any friction and all adjustable parts should be securely fashioned.
Since most Razor Scooters are designed for many sized people you will have to make sure that the handlebars are at the correct height.
Another important thing to check is the foot break.
The foot break should be able to be depressed with little effort.
If you notice anything that seems like it could cause injury (loose handlebars or major cracks in the metal for example) you should definitely not let your child ride it and you should seek out a replacement.
Once you decide the Razor Scooter is safe to operate you can proceed to the next step.
Before letting your child onto their scooter you need to make sure they are wearing the proper safety equipment.
It doesn't matter if they are just riding around in circles in your driveway, a helmet is a must each and every time your child rides their scooter.
Additional safety equipment such as wrist guards, elbow guards and knee pads are a great idea for children just getting introduced to riding on a scooter for the first time.
Accidents do happen and it is quite important that your child have the necessary safety gear should they have a spill.
After your child has finished enjoying their Razor Scooter for the day you may opt to do another quick visible inspection of the scooter to ensure that no major damage that would affect the performance has occurred.
Once that is complete the scooter should be stored in a safe spot.
Since Razor Scooters are made primarily from metal you should store it in a place that is out of the elements and since Razor Scooters collapse this makes for easy and low impact storage.
Never store the scooter outside where fog or rain can come in contact with it.
Water creates rust which can make the scooter unsafe to operate