How to Build a Framed Picture Wall Display
- 1). Nail the foam board to the wall in the area you want your display. The pieces of foam board should all be touching, with no gaps. If you need to adjust the size of your foam board, use the utility knife or a special foam board cutter to trim the edges.
- 2). Measure the length and width of your display. Cut two pieces of molding the measurement of the length, and two pieces the measurement of the width. You can also have these precut at your hardware store. You will need to allow a space equal to the width of the molding on the top and bottom of both the side pieces to prevent the molding from overlapping.
- 3). Nail your molding pieces around the foam board, like a frame. The pieces should be outside the foam board, not on top of it. Small gaps and imperfections are ok, as they can be masked with photographs.
- 4). To make a collage, spray the foam board pieces with spray adhesive, and attach your photos in any pattern, making sure to cover all pieces of the foam board. You can also attach them with double-sided tape or push pins.
- 5). If you are not making a collage, you can chose to cover the foam board with fabric, using straight pins to attach it to the board at the corners. You can then hang framed artwork or a selected few photographs in the display.