Organizing Your Detailing Trailer for Maximum Efficiency - Think Six Sigma
Indeed, I learned a long time ago that if you wish to run proficient and efficient detailing operations, that you need to stay organized.
It doesn't matter if you are detailing boats, cars, trucks, motorcycles, or airplanes.
You have to think in a Six Sigma Way.
You have to think like a major corporation and consider finite capacity scheduling models and assembly line production.
You might think that's rather laughable and hilarious considering you are only doing the simplest job of cleaning something, whatever that object might be.
Still, I assure you it is paramount to stay efficient, so let's talk.
If you are running an auto detailing company and you are working out of a van, trailer, or the back of a pickup truck it very much matters where everything is located, and if it is easy to get to.
Each time you walk from the car you're working on back to the truck or trailer you will spend 30 seconds getting that item you need to do the cleaning, or putting it away.
Believe me when I tell you if there are 15 or 20 different tasks you will be doing you've just added 7 to 10 minutes to the total time to complete that detailing job.
By the end of the day that adds up, and if you are wasting money from in efficient operations you are losing money.
If you're working at a detail shop, you need to make sure everything is easy to get to, and you do not need your detailers walking across the entire shop to pick up a brush, wax pad, microfiber towel, or squirt bottle.
If you are detailing an airplane it could take even longer than 30 seconds to get to and from where that equipment is stored if it is in a hangar, this is because the wing span of an aircraft is much larger.
Further, you don't want to be running across the hangar floor because you might slip on some wax, or cleaning liquids that you have spilt.
If you are detailing a boat on the water in the marina, the last thing you want to do is get back off the boat onto the dock to get cleaning supplies, or worse walk all the way down the dock back in the parking lot to your vehicle.
Therefore, you need a nice organized and easy to carry box to work out of, one you can pick up and put onto the boat without losing your balance and falling in the water.
Don't laugh, it's happened to me before.
What I'm suggesting to you is that you spend an extra amount of time carefully organizing and thinking about the process and workflow.
Please consider all this and think on it.
It doesn't matter if you are detailing boats, cars, trucks, motorcycles, or airplanes.
You have to think in a Six Sigma Way.
You have to think like a major corporation and consider finite capacity scheduling models and assembly line production.
You might think that's rather laughable and hilarious considering you are only doing the simplest job of cleaning something, whatever that object might be.
Still, I assure you it is paramount to stay efficient, so let's talk.
If you are running an auto detailing company and you are working out of a van, trailer, or the back of a pickup truck it very much matters where everything is located, and if it is easy to get to.
Each time you walk from the car you're working on back to the truck or trailer you will spend 30 seconds getting that item you need to do the cleaning, or putting it away.
Believe me when I tell you if there are 15 or 20 different tasks you will be doing you've just added 7 to 10 minutes to the total time to complete that detailing job.
By the end of the day that adds up, and if you are wasting money from in efficient operations you are losing money.
If you're working at a detail shop, you need to make sure everything is easy to get to, and you do not need your detailers walking across the entire shop to pick up a brush, wax pad, microfiber towel, or squirt bottle.
If you are detailing an airplane it could take even longer than 30 seconds to get to and from where that equipment is stored if it is in a hangar, this is because the wing span of an aircraft is much larger.
Further, you don't want to be running across the hangar floor because you might slip on some wax, or cleaning liquids that you have spilt.
If you are detailing a boat on the water in the marina, the last thing you want to do is get back off the boat onto the dock to get cleaning supplies, or worse walk all the way down the dock back in the parking lot to your vehicle.
Therefore, you need a nice organized and easy to carry box to work out of, one you can pick up and put onto the boat without losing your balance and falling in the water.
Don't laugh, it's happened to me before.
What I'm suggesting to you is that you spend an extra amount of time carefully organizing and thinking about the process and workflow.
Please consider all this and think on it.