Step 5 to An Organized Kitchen - The Pantry
The last step to organize your kitchen is to tackle the pantry. If you don't have one, this would be the area where you store foods, housewares and small appliances.
This is also a good time to review the capacity of your pantry space. Freestanding pantrys are very economical and yet can help to organize and store all your housewares in a manner that will save you needless searching time, so you can find what you're looking for quickly.
Quality Control
Do a review of your food storage and discard any cans that have expired dates, signs of spoilage or broken vacuum seals. When a can has a bulging top, the vacuum seal has eroded and the contents are no longer food safe and should be discarded.
Home canning should also be checked for food discoloration or evidence of spoilage. Manually sealed lids will not bulge when the seal is broken, but will be flat and produce a tinny sound when tapped, as opposed to being slightly recessed with a dull thud sound when seal is intact.
Dry food products like cereals and baking supplies should be stored in airtight containers to prevent spoilage and keep pests out. Check opened containers for freshness.
To ensure a good rotation of your food storage, place older tins to the front and newer purchases at the back, and organize like foods together for quicker retrieval and easier monitoring of your food supplies.
Organize Foil & Disposable Supplies
Take inventory and organize your stock of foil containers, paper or foam plates, and disposable cutlery and glasses.
A nesting of these supplies can really increase your storage space. This is a good time to note what you need to replenish, so you can be ready for that family picnic on a moment's notice.
Review Appliances & Other Housewares
When was the last time you used your crockpot or flan pan? What appliances have you stored away and totally forgotten about their great timesaving benefits. Dust them off and resolve to use them - soon. If you have very old appliances, an inspection may be in order to ensure they do not have frayed electrical cords or loose parts that could be a safety hazard.
Keeping your pantry organized can save you time and money in the long run. You'll also be able to take advantage of coming sales since you'll know exactly what you need to replenish.
More Steps to an Organized Kitchen
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This is also a good time to review the capacity of your pantry space. Freestanding pantrys are very economical and yet can help to organize and store all your housewares in a manner that will save you needless searching time, so you can find what you're looking for quickly.
Quality Control
Do a review of your food storage and discard any cans that have expired dates, signs of spoilage or broken vacuum seals. When a can has a bulging top, the vacuum seal has eroded and the contents are no longer food safe and should be discarded.
Home canning should also be checked for food discoloration or evidence of spoilage. Manually sealed lids will not bulge when the seal is broken, but will be flat and produce a tinny sound when tapped, as opposed to being slightly recessed with a dull thud sound when seal is intact.
Dry food products like cereals and baking supplies should be stored in airtight containers to prevent spoilage and keep pests out. Check opened containers for freshness.
To ensure a good rotation of your food storage, place older tins to the front and newer purchases at the back, and organize like foods together for quicker retrieval and easier monitoring of your food supplies.
Organize Foil & Disposable Supplies
Take inventory and organize your stock of foil containers, paper or foam plates, and disposable cutlery and glasses.
A nesting of these supplies can really increase your storage space. This is a good time to note what you need to replenish, so you can be ready for that family picnic on a moment's notice.
Review Appliances & Other Housewares
When was the last time you used your crockpot or flan pan? What appliances have you stored away and totally forgotten about their great timesaving benefits. Dust them off and resolve to use them - soon. If you have very old appliances, an inspection may be in order to ensure they do not have frayed electrical cords or loose parts that could be a safety hazard.
Keeping your pantry organized can save you time and money in the long run. You'll also be able to take advantage of coming sales since you'll know exactly what you need to replenish.
More Steps to an Organized Kitchen
- Step 1: The Gadget Drawer
- Step 2: The Spice Cupboard
- Step 3: The Junk Drawer
- Step 4: The Plastics Drawer
- Step 5: The Pantry
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