The Latest Paranormal News and Views
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August 6, 2011
Ozarks paranormal team claims it caught photo of ghost
The Ozark Mountain Paranormal Investigation Team has explored some of the areas most haunted homes. Their skeptical team members always take hundreds of pictures in the dark. But their most recent trip brought back a shocking image that is making believers out of the biggest of skeptics ..
Thriller cast creeped out while filming at haunted hospital
The cast and crew of new thriller Insight were left spooked during night shoots while filming at an abandoned hospital, which has been listed as one of the most haunted sites in Los Angeles...
(Also read: The World's Most Haunted Places)
Haunted house of Jumeirah scares its occupants
Located deep in the heart of Jumeirah 1, there's a huge villa where a number of eerie incidents have left the occupants scared and shaken to the core...
Are ghost hunters afraid?
We've all been afraid of the boogeyman in the closet and so called monster under our bed, but we theoretically "grow" out of it when we've received the rational explanation or reason for our fear...
Did giant reptiles share the earth with giant humans?
Brad Steiger: The notion that early humans might have been contemporaneous with the giant reptiles has stoked the creative fires of many a fantasy and science fiction novelist. In "Worlds Before Our Own" (Anomalist Books, 2007), I pose a two-pronged question: Did a race of early humans exist during the Age of Reptiles, something like 70 million years ago; or did a certain number of the giant reptiles survive until a few thousand years ago?..
End times? Texas lake turns blood-red
A Texas lake that turned blood-red this summer may not be a sign of the End Times, but probably is the end of a popular fishing and recreation spot. A drought has left the OC Fisher Reservoir in San Angelo State Park in West Texas almost entirely dry. The water that is left is stagnant, full of dead fish - and a deep, opaque red...
Russia's Loch Ness Monster
The Brosno Dragon, also known as Brosnya, is the name given to a lake monster which is said to inhabit Lake Brosno, near Andreapol in West Russia. It is described as resembling a dragon or dinosaur, and is the subject of a number of regional legends, some which are said to date back to the 13th century...
The massive European network of Stone Age tunnels that weaves from Scotland to Turkey
Stone Age man created a massive network of underground tunnels criss-crossing Europe from Scotland to Turkey, a new book on the ancient superhighways has claimed. German archaeologist Dr Heinrich Kusch said evidence of the tunnels has been found under hundreds of Neolithic settlements all over the continent...
Prophecy claim: Vatican to be destroyed August 17
An extreme Marian organization behind the obscure Fatima Movement has claimed that, according to a new interpretation of the Third Secret of Fatima, the Vatican will be destroyed on August 17, 2011...
Official 'Twixt' trailer arrives, unleashing the horror and ghosts
Francis Ford Coppola's upcoming horror thriller "Twixt" has got its first trailer. It opens with a narration from Tom Waits who explains the place where the story begins. "There was once upon a time, a town not far from the big city. A road ran through it but it was a town of those who wanted to be left alone," he said in a voiceover...