The Importance of Keeping Well Hydrated
2012 has set a few new records for all time highs in temperature and keeping hydrated is more important now than ever.
The human body is roughly 60% water, slightly higher if you are a man or lower if you are a woman, so keeping well hydrated is of the utmost importance.
Water is critical to every organ system in the body and a constant flow of water helps keep your body working smoothly.
Your body becomes sluggish when you are dehydrated and can only survive a few days without drinking water.
Water is the single most important nutrient in the body and everyone should be drinking 2 litres or 8 glasses of water a day! Water is involved in every function of the body, some more so than others.
The most apparent function of water in the body is temperature regulation.
Simply put, when you sweat you lose water.
Water is continuously lost through pores via perspiration to regulate body temperature.
Keeping well hydrated is critical on hot days when there is a potential risk of heat exhaustion or sun stroke, and when you are physically exerting yourself both indoors and outdoors.
Any stress on the body, physical, chemical, mental or otherwise, will impact your body functions.
Suffering from a chronic disease places a great amount of stress on your body thus drinking plenty of water is important to help heal one's body.
Autonomous functions such a breathing involve a high amount of your body's water.
When you breathe in, water aids the movement of oxygen into the blood and removes carbon dioxide from the blood, which is then exhaled.
Without water, carbon dioxide would not be able to enter or leave red blood cells and would build up to lethal levels.
Water also plays a role in balancing your blood pH by neutralizing acids or bases in the blood and helping to remove unwanted waste compounds by the kidneys.
Your blood pressure is also greatly affected by hydration status.
Being dehydrated decreases your blood volume, increasing the amount of work needed for your heart to pump blood around the body.
Staying well hydrated decreases the work-load placed on your heart.
Water is very important in order to properly digest food and absorb nutrients.
Nutrients are dissolved into water so they can be absorbed by the intestinal lining and distributed throughout your body.
Water is also necessary for dissolving water-soluble fibre, increasing the size of your bowel movements and making you regular.
During weight loss, the breakdown and release of fat from fat cells can also release any stored toxins within your fat cells.
Fat-soluble toxins are broken down by your liver into water-soluble compounds that can be flushed out of your body.
Drinking water and eating well will help your body eliminate toxins and heal any damage the toxins may have caused.
Also, drinking plenty of water before meals can help control your appetite and can also increase satiety.
The skin is the largest organ of the body, and also the organ requiring the most amount of water.
Your skin is in constant contact with the external world and thus is being constantly bombarded by toxins, and fighting off foreign invaders.
When improperly hydrated, the skin does not receive adequate water to flush toxins from the skin and the toxins begin to build up and can damage your skin.
Providing your skin with plenty of water will keep your skin toxin free and looking youthful.
In order to sustain the skins protective barrier, you need to drink plenty of water.
Properly hydrated skin is strong, healthy and youthful.
As a waste control system, the kidneys require plenty of water, which is critical to the breakdown and removal of toxins.
Most toxins are by-products of cellular waste or enter the body through your food.
Without enough water in your body, your kidneys have trouble flushing out toxins.
Increased toxins in the blood will cause more water to exit your cells, dehydrating the cells and water will increase outside the cells to dilute any toxins present.
The kidneys also play a vital role in regulating and maintaining homeostasis of the body.
Your kidneys control what minerals exit the body and which are recycled to be used again.
Drinking water eases the amount of work involved to detoxify your body and maintain whole body homeostasis.
Staying properly hydrated is essential for good health and wellness.
A well hydrated body is a healthy, happy body that will stay young and live long.
The human body is roughly 60% water, slightly higher if you are a man or lower if you are a woman, so keeping well hydrated is of the utmost importance.
Water is critical to every organ system in the body and a constant flow of water helps keep your body working smoothly.
Your body becomes sluggish when you are dehydrated and can only survive a few days without drinking water.
Water is the single most important nutrient in the body and everyone should be drinking 2 litres or 8 glasses of water a day! Water is involved in every function of the body, some more so than others.
The most apparent function of water in the body is temperature regulation.
Simply put, when you sweat you lose water.
Water is continuously lost through pores via perspiration to regulate body temperature.
Keeping well hydrated is critical on hot days when there is a potential risk of heat exhaustion or sun stroke, and when you are physically exerting yourself both indoors and outdoors.
Any stress on the body, physical, chemical, mental or otherwise, will impact your body functions.
Suffering from a chronic disease places a great amount of stress on your body thus drinking plenty of water is important to help heal one's body.
Autonomous functions such a breathing involve a high amount of your body's water.
When you breathe in, water aids the movement of oxygen into the blood and removes carbon dioxide from the blood, which is then exhaled.
Without water, carbon dioxide would not be able to enter or leave red blood cells and would build up to lethal levels.
Water also plays a role in balancing your blood pH by neutralizing acids or bases in the blood and helping to remove unwanted waste compounds by the kidneys.
Your blood pressure is also greatly affected by hydration status.
Being dehydrated decreases your blood volume, increasing the amount of work needed for your heart to pump blood around the body.
Staying well hydrated decreases the work-load placed on your heart.
Water is very important in order to properly digest food and absorb nutrients.
Nutrients are dissolved into water so they can be absorbed by the intestinal lining and distributed throughout your body.
Water is also necessary for dissolving water-soluble fibre, increasing the size of your bowel movements and making you regular.
During weight loss, the breakdown and release of fat from fat cells can also release any stored toxins within your fat cells.
Fat-soluble toxins are broken down by your liver into water-soluble compounds that can be flushed out of your body.
Drinking water and eating well will help your body eliminate toxins and heal any damage the toxins may have caused.
Also, drinking plenty of water before meals can help control your appetite and can also increase satiety.
The skin is the largest organ of the body, and also the organ requiring the most amount of water.
Your skin is in constant contact with the external world and thus is being constantly bombarded by toxins, and fighting off foreign invaders.
When improperly hydrated, the skin does not receive adequate water to flush toxins from the skin and the toxins begin to build up and can damage your skin.
Providing your skin with plenty of water will keep your skin toxin free and looking youthful.
In order to sustain the skins protective barrier, you need to drink plenty of water.
Properly hydrated skin is strong, healthy and youthful.
As a waste control system, the kidneys require plenty of water, which is critical to the breakdown and removal of toxins.
Most toxins are by-products of cellular waste or enter the body through your food.
Without enough water in your body, your kidneys have trouble flushing out toxins.
Increased toxins in the blood will cause more water to exit your cells, dehydrating the cells and water will increase outside the cells to dilute any toxins present.
The kidneys also play a vital role in regulating and maintaining homeostasis of the body.
Your kidneys control what minerals exit the body and which are recycled to be used again.
Drinking water eases the amount of work involved to detoxify your body and maintain whole body homeostasis.
Staying properly hydrated is essential for good health and wellness.
A well hydrated body is a healthy, happy body that will stay young and live long.