The Common Problems Experienced by Hyperactive Children
At school Problems Children are not able to follow the lessons which delivered by teachers well.
Their concentration distracted easily and make them unable to absorb the lessons as a whole.
Short attention span that makes kids want to finish quickly when doing on school assignments.
Many found that many of them have difficulty in reading, writing, language, and mathematics.
At Home Problems Compared with the other children, hyperactive children are more anxious and discouraged.
In addition, they are prone to psychosomatic disorders (health problems caused by psychological factors) such as headaches and stomach aches.
This is related to the low tolerance for frustration, so when they get disappointment experiencing, they will losing control easily.
In addition, they tend to be stubborn and easily angered when his wish is immediately fulfilled.
These constraints make the child become less able to make adaptation to their environment and they will feel that they are bad, always failing, inadequate, and rejected.
Talking Problems Hyperactive children usually like to talk.
He talks a lot, but not effective in communicating.
They tend to be busy with themselves and less able to respond the other.
Physical Problem In general, hyperactive children have physical health level is not as good as other children.
Some disorders such as asthma, allergies and throat infections are common for them.
At the sleeping time usually not as quiet as other children.
Many of them have sleeping problem and they often wake up at the midnight.
In addition, their physical activity make them get high risk for accidents such as falls and sprains.
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At school Problems Children are not able to follow the lessons which delivered by teachers well.
Their concentration distracted easily and make them unable to absorb the lessons as a whole.
Short attention span that makes kids want to finish quickly when doing on school assignments.
Many found that many of them have difficulty in reading, writing, language, and mathematics.
At Home Problems Compared with the other children, hyperactive children are more anxious and discouraged.
In addition, they are prone to psychosomatic disorders (health problems caused by psychological factors) such as headaches and stomach aches.
This is related to the low tolerance for frustration, so when they get disappointment experiencing, they will losing control easily.
In addition, they tend to be stubborn and easily angered when his wish is immediately fulfilled.
These constraints make the child become less able to make adaptation to their environment and they will feel that they are bad, always failing, inadequate, and rejected.
Talking Problems Hyperactive children usually like to talk.
He talks a lot, but not effective in communicating.
They tend to be busy with themselves and less able to respond the other.
Physical Problem In general, hyperactive children have physical health level is not as good as other children.
Some disorders such as asthma, allergies and throat infections are common for them.
At the sleeping time usually not as quiet as other children.
Many of them have sleeping problem and they often wake up at the midnight.
In addition, their physical activity make them get high risk for accidents such as falls and sprains.
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