Is the Mainstream Approach For Depression Still Useful?
There are many people out there who suffer from depression.
As I am sitting here writing this article, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has probably made plans to approve another anti-depressant to be made available on the market.
But, can standard psychiatric treatment really eliminate depression for good? There are many staggering reasons to pause although the answer is pretty obvious.
Conventional psychiatric medications can no longer do the job well because of the various adverse effects of medications.
Furthermore, there is medical proof that conventional medicine fails to address the issues that are necessary for the development of depression and other mental conditions.
As there are more prescriptions written for anti-depressants even as you are reading this article, these medical practitioner forget to take into account the debilitating side effects.
Chronic depression is a problem that is visible to our society and few people receive adequate treatment because there are really too many factors to be taken into correct consideration.
It may be hard for you to believe this.
But, a depressed patient is what he eats.
Do you believe me if I told you that as long as you change your diet, follow certain supplementation habits, be religious to a multifaceted approach that consists of both orthomolecular psychiatry and medication; you are able to insert spiritual harmony back into your life? Why is orthomolecular psychiatry so powerful? What is the hidden potential within this new approach that is able to deal with obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating and anxiety disorders as well?
As I am sitting here writing this article, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has probably made plans to approve another anti-depressant to be made available on the market.
But, can standard psychiatric treatment really eliminate depression for good? There are many staggering reasons to pause although the answer is pretty obvious.
Conventional psychiatric medications can no longer do the job well because of the various adverse effects of medications.
Furthermore, there is medical proof that conventional medicine fails to address the issues that are necessary for the development of depression and other mental conditions.
As there are more prescriptions written for anti-depressants even as you are reading this article, these medical practitioner forget to take into account the debilitating side effects.
Chronic depression is a problem that is visible to our society and few people receive adequate treatment because there are really too many factors to be taken into correct consideration.
It may be hard for you to believe this.
But, a depressed patient is what he eats.
Do you believe me if I told you that as long as you change your diet, follow certain supplementation habits, be religious to a multifaceted approach that consists of both orthomolecular psychiatry and medication; you are able to insert spiritual harmony back into your life? Why is orthomolecular psychiatry so powerful? What is the hidden potential within this new approach that is able to deal with obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating and anxiety disorders as well?