There are many misconceptions about poker, which prevail in the market. This article will attempt to explain those widely prevalent misconceptions so that you do not fall prey to them.
Poker is not always light headed
It should not always be considered a light headed and fun game. It needs serious dedication from the side of the player if he wants to make a serious earning from this game. You will never be able match the potential of the experts in this field if you take it lightly.
€Only€ poker face is not enough
You cannot be a very good player if you have no talent other than to make a poker face. The capacity to bluff about the hand that you are holding is not enough to be a successful poker player. You need other skills also.
Win without practice is rare
If you want to win without doing any practice at your end then you are signing up for a very tough game. You cannot count on your luck alone if you want to win the game.
Women can be experts too
Women are always considered novice irrespective of their expertise, which is a very big misconception.
Math fails at time
You cannot always €calculate€ your move in poker. You may apply all the tricks of math you want to but at the end of the day poker skills cannot be replaced by anything else.
Cannot count on luck alone
Luck is not enough to win the game alone. You also need to play a good and smart game if you want to utilize your luck properly.
Cheaters are not the majority
People may think that the game of poker is full of dishonest people but that is not true. Majority of players play an honest game.
It €can€ build character
It teaches you many virtues like patience and politeness and in turn is a great help for building your character.
It is not illegal everywhere
Poker has been made legal in most of the places. The very sound of gambling is considered illegal for many people but that is not the case. Proper laws have been made which has legalized gambling as well as poker in most of the places.
It may not be addictive
You do not have to get addicted to poker only because you are playing it regularly. You can have a proper self-control and manage your gaming.
Poker is not always light headed
It should not always be considered a light headed and fun game. It needs serious dedication from the side of the player if he wants to make a serious earning from this game. You will never be able match the potential of the experts in this field if you take it lightly.
€Only€ poker face is not enough
You cannot be a very good player if you have no talent other than to make a poker face. The capacity to bluff about the hand that you are holding is not enough to be a successful poker player. You need other skills also.
Win without practice is rare
If you want to win without doing any practice at your end then you are signing up for a very tough game. You cannot count on your luck alone if you want to win the game.
Women can be experts too
Women are always considered novice irrespective of their expertise, which is a very big misconception.
Math fails at time
You cannot always €calculate€ your move in poker. You may apply all the tricks of math you want to but at the end of the day poker skills cannot be replaced by anything else.
Cannot count on luck alone
Luck is not enough to win the game alone. You also need to play a good and smart game if you want to utilize your luck properly.
Cheaters are not the majority
People may think that the game of poker is full of dishonest people but that is not true. Majority of players play an honest game.
It €can€ build character
It teaches you many virtues like patience and politeness and in turn is a great help for building your character.
It is not illegal everywhere
Poker has been made legal in most of the places. The very sound of gambling is considered illegal for many people but that is not the case. Proper laws have been made which has legalized gambling as well as poker in most of the places.
It may not be addictive
You do not have to get addicted to poker only because you are playing it regularly. You can have a proper self-control and manage your gaming.