Other Ways to Test My IQ
- The Pass Method helps teachers to identify areas such as planning, attention, simultaneous processing and successive processing to see where an individual's strengths and weaknesses lie in each area. For instance, a student who was able to pay close attention in class but had difficulty planning activities would then be tested for a disability in the executive function of planning. The purpose of this type of intelligence testing is to provide adjunct support and early intervention techniques to bridge the gap as soon as possible.
- Emotional intelligence tests are important for several reasons. They predict how well an individual is going to get along in a classroom or work environment, how well they collaborate, problem solve and lead a team. This intelligence tends to be a more important indicator of success than all other types of intelligence combined for one simple reason: skills can be learned, but emotional intelligence has long been considered a natural or inborn trait that's challenging to acquire.
- At a glance, Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences test focuses on seven types of intelligence: linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial-visual, interpersonal and intrapersonal. Not only do multiple intelligence tests cover basic reading, writing and arithmetic, but they also cover creative and social skills that were absent on traditional IQ tests. Current theorists are debating whether other types of intelligences should be added to the multiple intelligence test; either way, Howard Gardner was the social scientist who spoke up first on these issues. Traditional IQ tests discriminated against certain groups of people and failed to accurately measure intelligence. His test is a powerful tool used to direct individuals toward professions in which their intelligences and skills would fit best.
- Aptitude tests are often used for placement in schools and businesses. They gauge an individual's natural skill and help place them in an environment for which they have a high affinity, which allows them to excel and be positive contributors. A prime example of this type of test is the civil service exam. Aptitude tests are often used in conjunction with standard IQ tests for broader and more inclusive results.
Tests Designed to Identify Learning Problems
Tests for Emotional Intelligence
Tests for Multiple Intelligences
Aptitude Tests