What Would It Take To Color Your World?
Subliminally teaching conscious creation through the art of storytelling contributes to the "awakening" of those who need reminded about the potency that resides in each of us.
The written word can transform the lives of those who live from the perceived misconception that they are disconnected from the Divine spark from which we were all created.
Most of us live in a Black and White world full of limitation stemming from the beliefs and opinions of others that we have unconsciously taken in and claimed as our own.
From the time of our conception, while in the womb, and all throughout our lives, we are energetically being bombarded with thoughts, words, and beliefs that are not our own.
As these thoughts, words, and beliefs are repeated they become deeply embedded.
How many thousands of times do we hear the words "no" or "you can't" until the realty we end up creating that we call, our life, is nothing more than the manifestation of all the things we were told we shouldn't or couldn't be, do, or have? In other words from all of the repetition and embedding of all those beliefs that are not our own, even though we say we want a different life with more wealth, more health, more fun, more...
It never happens because we get what we are looking for literally.
We have been trained to only see those things that we were taught by others to believe.
Literally there is a part of the brain called the Reticular Activating System.
This system performs like a filter between your conscious and subconscious mind.
It takes directions from your conscious mind and relays it to your subconscious mind.
An example of this process would be the embeded belief or thought, "I have to work hard to have money".
Daily we are bombarded with thousands of sensory sounds and images.
So what the RAS does is filter out anything that does not have to do with working hard to have money.
We literally not only live in but also continue to create a black and white world never knowing that other possibilities exist because we literally can't see them.
Can you imagine what it would feel like if we did not have this filter, being bombarded with all of that stimuli? RAS has filtered those possibilities out because we have taken on the belief " I have to work hard to have money".
It's been embedded in our brain.
Thus no matter how much we would like to create a different realty, it never happens, because we are not aware that we need to reprogram our brain in order to truly create the life our dreams.
What would it take to color your world? Let us begin the journey of our own self discovery and unlock the door to our magic Kingdom in our minds by choosing the key of consciousness through the art of storytelling.
The written word can transform the lives of those who live from the perceived misconception that they are disconnected from the Divine spark from which we were all created.
Most of us live in a Black and White world full of limitation stemming from the beliefs and opinions of others that we have unconsciously taken in and claimed as our own.
From the time of our conception, while in the womb, and all throughout our lives, we are energetically being bombarded with thoughts, words, and beliefs that are not our own.
As these thoughts, words, and beliefs are repeated they become deeply embedded.
How many thousands of times do we hear the words "no" or "you can't" until the realty we end up creating that we call, our life, is nothing more than the manifestation of all the things we were told we shouldn't or couldn't be, do, or have? In other words from all of the repetition and embedding of all those beliefs that are not our own, even though we say we want a different life with more wealth, more health, more fun, more...
It never happens because we get what we are looking for literally.
We have been trained to only see those things that we were taught by others to believe.
Literally there is a part of the brain called the Reticular Activating System.
This system performs like a filter between your conscious and subconscious mind.
It takes directions from your conscious mind and relays it to your subconscious mind.
An example of this process would be the embeded belief or thought, "I have to work hard to have money".
Daily we are bombarded with thousands of sensory sounds and images.
So what the RAS does is filter out anything that does not have to do with working hard to have money.
We literally not only live in but also continue to create a black and white world never knowing that other possibilities exist because we literally can't see them.
Can you imagine what it would feel like if we did not have this filter, being bombarded with all of that stimuli? RAS has filtered those possibilities out because we have taken on the belief " I have to work hard to have money".
It's been embedded in our brain.
Thus no matter how much we would like to create a different realty, it never happens, because we are not aware that we need to reprogram our brain in order to truly create the life our dreams.
What would it take to color your world? Let us begin the journey of our own self discovery and unlock the door to our magic Kingdom in our minds by choosing the key of consciousness through the art of storytelling.