Crystal Therapy - Amber and Its Healing Properties
Crystal therapy is a form of natural treatment that focuses on the power of specific crystals to provide total healing. This means that the healing can occur not only on the physical aspect, but to the mental and emotional aspect as well. One of the common crystals used in this treatment is amber. So, take a closer look on how this form of treatment can provide you with better health.
What Is Crystal Therapy?
In essence, the principle following Crystal therapy is that every crystal possesses a particular energy. The energy coming from these crystals, can act on the mind and body to bring about positive physical and mental health changes. The manner in which the crystals are utilized varies greatly. However, the main idea is that the person should come in touch with the crystal regularly and make sure to go very proximal into it. This is very important to totally assess a certain situation and make sure that the crystal is suitable for your condition.
Amber's General Properties
One of the stones used in Crystal therapy is amber. It is a kind of crystal with honey yellow shade and comes with a waxy consistency. However, you will also come across other varieties of amber, including the ones that come in a green, blue, red and brown variety. It is actually a fossil created from pine tree resin that has dried for millions of years.
This only means that amber is not really a genuine crystal, but a mineraloid. It can be available in various places, but it is widely seen in countries like Mexico, Latvia, Spain, Poland and Dominican Republic. This type of stone used in Crystal therapy also possesses electromagnetic properties most particularly if you rub it with a piece of cloth.
Amber's Healing Properties
Amber is a crystal that has several healing properties connected to its electromagnetic characteristics including the following:
* It offers great protection from radiation and offers detoxification
* It can bring about life stability so you can obtain a more balanced life
* It can provide relief to suicidal thoughts and depression, as it helps bring about optimistic mental attitude
* It can also prevent dementia as it enhances memory and aids in thinking
* It is also a stone that can make a person more creative and open to changes that may come in their life
* It is also applicable for easing the pain associated with childbirth
* It is also helpful in easing medical problems involving the liver, thymus, gall bladder and belly
* It can be used to ease certain conditions like sore throats, headaches, nose bleeds, toothache and fever
Overall, amber when used in Crystal therapy can bring good health, calmness and balance from within.
What Is Crystal Therapy?
In essence, the principle following Crystal therapy is that every crystal possesses a particular energy. The energy coming from these crystals, can act on the mind and body to bring about positive physical and mental health changes. The manner in which the crystals are utilized varies greatly. However, the main idea is that the person should come in touch with the crystal regularly and make sure to go very proximal into it. This is very important to totally assess a certain situation and make sure that the crystal is suitable for your condition.
Amber's General Properties
One of the stones used in Crystal therapy is amber. It is a kind of crystal with honey yellow shade and comes with a waxy consistency. However, you will also come across other varieties of amber, including the ones that come in a green, blue, red and brown variety. It is actually a fossil created from pine tree resin that has dried for millions of years.
This only means that amber is not really a genuine crystal, but a mineraloid. It can be available in various places, but it is widely seen in countries like Mexico, Latvia, Spain, Poland and Dominican Republic. This type of stone used in Crystal therapy also possesses electromagnetic properties most particularly if you rub it with a piece of cloth.
Amber's Healing Properties
Amber is a crystal that has several healing properties connected to its electromagnetic characteristics including the following:
* It offers great protection from radiation and offers detoxification
* It can bring about life stability so you can obtain a more balanced life
* It can provide relief to suicidal thoughts and depression, as it helps bring about optimistic mental attitude
* It can also prevent dementia as it enhances memory and aids in thinking
* It is also a stone that can make a person more creative and open to changes that may come in their life
* It is also applicable for easing the pain associated with childbirth
* It is also helpful in easing medical problems involving the liver, thymus, gall bladder and belly
* It can be used to ease certain conditions like sore throats, headaches, nose bleeds, toothache and fever
Overall, amber when used in Crystal therapy can bring good health, calmness and balance from within.