Build-It-Yourself Headboards
- 1). Measure the width of the bed and add 6 inches. Use this measurement to determine the fabric yardage and canvas stretcher size needed for the headboard, which should have a height of at least 39 inches, depending upon the width of the bed. Cut the fabric with scissors.
- 2). Assemble the headboard frame by sliding the canvas stretchers together at the corners.
- 3). Lay the fabric wrong side up on a flat surface like a floor and place the headboard frame in the center of the fabric.
- 4). Pull one edge of the fabric over the center of one frame edge and attach it with one staple, using the staple gun. Pull the fabric over the opposite edge of the frame and attach it with one staple. Move back and forth from opposite frame edges, stapling every inch from the center to 3 inches from the corners of the frame.
- 5). Fold the fabric at the frame corners in a neat right angle and staple in place. Trim all excess fabric with scissors.
- 6). Position the headboard above the bed at the top edge of the mattress and mark the top edge of the frame with two small pencil marks 8 inches apart. Hammer nails through the pencil marks and balance the headboard on the nails.