How to Put Up Posted Signs
- 1). Purchase posted signs from a local home improvement store. The sign should clearly display the word "Posted." Look for signs that also include an area for your contact information.
- 2). Write your contact information (such as name, address and signature) on all of your posted signs. Hunters in the area may want to contact you concerning questions or concerns.
- 3). Mount your posted signs around the borders of your property. Use your own judgment in deciding how far apart to post signs. Be sure to post signs in areas of easy access, such as entrance roads, streams, hunting trails and off-road vehicle paths.
- 4). Alert local authorities and hunting groups of your no-hunting policy. In the event that you find hunters on your property, be respectful, but express your desire for them to leave. Ask that they spread the word that your property is posted land.
- 5). Maintain your posted signs on a regular basis. General wear and tear can deteriorate signs and, unfortunately, resentful hunters may remove or vandalize your signs. Replace signs that appear damaged or worn.