How to Care for Amarylis Plants
- 1). Water the amaryllis bulb from the bottom of the plant to keep the soil moist until green growth appears.
- 2). Store the plant at room temperature. Water the soil when the top inch feels dry. Do not water the amaryllis plant more than once every three days.
- 3). Support the stem with a stick and string to hold the flower stem. The blooms cause the stem to become top heavy and the plant can break. Do not push the stick into the roots or through the bulb of the plant.
- 4). Fertilize the plant according to the directions on the fertilizer package. Use a 5-10-5 houseplant fertilizer for best results.
- 5). Keep the plant in a cool and shaded room with temperatures no cooler than 65 degrees Fahrenheit. The plant will not need too much sunlight or heat because the blooms may wither.
- 6). Cut off the old flowers with pruning shears after they stop flowering. When you notice that the stem appears to sag, cut it down to the top of the amaryllis bulb.
- 7). Reduce watering the plant and stop fertilizing it in the fall. Give the plant less water with each watering, and then stop watering it completely.
- 8). Examine the leaves in the fall. Once they turn yellow, trim them down to 2 inches from the bulb top.
- 9). Remove the top 1/2 inch of the soil, and replace it with new potting soil. Store the bulb in a dark and cool location with a temperature range between 40 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Store the bulbs for at least 6 weeks before planting again. Transplant the bulb to a new pot or outdoors after the dormancy period.