Police Policy on Access to Police Records
- A majority of police reports are considered public records. As such, any member of the public can request a copy. If the report references a person that was arrested, then as soon as that report is entered into the court record, it is a public record.
- Police reports for certain, specific crimes, are not available to the public, and can only be seen by parties directly referenced in the report. An example of these include any kind of sexual assault, any report involving juveniles, and reports documenting domestic violence. In these cases, police reports are restricted to protect the privacy of the parties involved.
- To obtain a copy of a report, simply call the agency that prepared it and request to speak to the records department. Once you are connected to records, ask them for a copy of the report in question. They will inform you of when your copy will be prepared. They will also inform you of the cost to obtain the report.