How to Convert From Notepad to Subtitles
- 1). Confirm that the data in the text file can be converted to subtitles. Subtitles require timing data so that the subtitles appear on the screen at the correct time. Proper formatting will look like the following:
00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000
<Subtitle Text>" - 2). Click "File," then "Save As." Select "All Files (*.*)" from the "Save As Type" drop-down menu.
- 3). Select "Encoding" from the drop-down menu and select a proper encoding method for the subtitles. If the subtitles are in English, select "ANSI." If the subtitles are a language that doesn't use the Latin alphabet, like Japanese or Chinese, save the subtitles in "Unicode."
- 4). Erase the ".txt" portion of the file name and replace it with ".srt." Press "Enter" to convert the Notepad file to subtitles.