Directions for Making Turkey Calls
- 1). Put the diaphragm into your mouth, up on the roof of your mouth like a mouth protector. The diaphragm even looks like half a mouth guard that is missing the slot for your teeth.
- 2). Push the diaphragm with your tongue up against the roof of your mouth and the back of your top teeth.
- 3). Blow air and manipulate your tongue and lips as if you were trying to speak. The air will flow through the reeds in the diaphragm and create turkey-like noises or turkey calls.
- 4). Blow the air in rapid, short bursts and manipulate your tongue and lips as if trying to say "UR" to create a high-pitched turkey call known as a "purr."
- 5). Blow air in short bursts while manipulating your lips as if to say "EE." This creates a call very similar to the normal turkey calls and is called a "KEE-KEE" call.
- 6). Close your lips as if to say the letter "P," and blow out air while manipulating your mouth to say the word "cut" and then repeat. This creates the turkey call known as "CUT."
- 7). Round your lips as if saying the letter "O" in an exaggerated way and then blow the air out in slow, long burst. This call is known as "YELP" because of the sound it makes.
- 8). Combine any number of the different calls together or repeat one call various times to get a turkey's attention.