4 Tricks to Get Your Muscles Responding Fast
After you have been lifting weights and working out for awhile you will find that you have found a rhythm in your workouts.
You are doing the same exercises for the same sets and the same reps.
It seems that when you are in the gym that you are just going through the motions and not really getting anywhere.
If you find that this is happening to you then it will do you good to have a look at this article.
Below we are going to go over some tricks that will bring intensity back to your workout.
1: Switch up your sets and your reps.
If you are doing 4 sets of 8 reps then you are going to change it to 8 sets of 4 reps.
You will have to adjust the weight of course, but you will be very surprised at what this technique will do for you.
Do this for one week only and then go back to your regular set and rep scheme.
2: Set a different time to go to bed.
When you are sleeping is when you grow the most, so you should try to maximize this time.
Try to go to bed 1 or 2 hours earlier than you would normally.
Skip out on hanging out with your pals at the bar or turn the TV off earlier.
You will be happy to find out that while allowing your muscles more time to recover, you are also able to get more done during the day because you have more energy.
3: The 50 rep set scheme.
When performing the last set of an exercise adjust the amount of weight so that you can perform 50 reps.
If you have not been pushing yourself through this exercise, then you are now.
Remember that the goal here is to get to 50 reps no matter what.
This will create a really tough workout, so make sure that you get enough rest before you go at it again.
4: Flip your workout program upside down.
If you are starting your workout week training chest and biceps, and you end your week by training legs, then just go through your program backwards.
Start your week with legs and do chest and biceps at the end of the week.
This simple change of order can be enough to jolt your muscles into paying attention.
So do not just sit around and let yourself think that your muscles are going to get stronger or keep growing.
Use these advanced workout methods of training to kick start your muscle growth.
You are doing the same exercises for the same sets and the same reps.
It seems that when you are in the gym that you are just going through the motions and not really getting anywhere.
If you find that this is happening to you then it will do you good to have a look at this article.
Below we are going to go over some tricks that will bring intensity back to your workout.
1: Switch up your sets and your reps.
If you are doing 4 sets of 8 reps then you are going to change it to 8 sets of 4 reps.
You will have to adjust the weight of course, but you will be very surprised at what this technique will do for you.
Do this for one week only and then go back to your regular set and rep scheme.
2: Set a different time to go to bed.
When you are sleeping is when you grow the most, so you should try to maximize this time.
Try to go to bed 1 or 2 hours earlier than you would normally.
Skip out on hanging out with your pals at the bar or turn the TV off earlier.
You will be happy to find out that while allowing your muscles more time to recover, you are also able to get more done during the day because you have more energy.
3: The 50 rep set scheme.
When performing the last set of an exercise adjust the amount of weight so that you can perform 50 reps.
If you have not been pushing yourself through this exercise, then you are now.
Remember that the goal here is to get to 50 reps no matter what.
This will create a really tough workout, so make sure that you get enough rest before you go at it again.
4: Flip your workout program upside down.
If you are starting your workout week training chest and biceps, and you end your week by training legs, then just go through your program backwards.
Start your week with legs and do chest and biceps at the end of the week.
This simple change of order can be enough to jolt your muscles into paying attention.
So do not just sit around and let yourself think that your muscles are going to get stronger or keep growing.
Use these advanced workout methods of training to kick start your muscle growth.