Cash in on Customer Rewards
People often think that if you get something back from a company by referring business to them, they must be network marketers and you would be right. Network marketing is $167 BILLION, yes billion dollar business! That is why the way companies like American Express, ING Bank to name a couple are cashing in. You see if you refer someone to American Express and they become a card member, American Express will credit you with Reward Points, ING Bank will deposit up to $200. in your account. So I guess a company that pays you for referring business to them is not that bad, actually it's a good thing, right? Who wouldn't like to get rewarded for doing a friend a favor, it just makes sense.
Companies spend millions on advertising to get new customers. Once they acquire a new customer they want to keep them for life, by offering them additional services or products. This communication is often in the form of Direct Marketing (regular mail, email and newsletters) and offering them loyalty rewards such as point, discounts and referral incentives.
At the end of the day people like to do business with companies that offers not only a great product or service, but great "Customer Service", and they realize by rewarding people for referrals is a very successful business model.
The challenge every business faces today is how to effectively communicate with your customers and prospects. How do you get them to know, trust and want to do business with you? How do you get referrals from satisfied customers? How do you get customers to keep coming back and buying more? It starts by building a solid company brand with a quality reputation for excellent customer service. I call this "Marketing Through Service" and nothing does it better than video.
Only video gives you instant credibility and at the same time brands you, your product, service and your company. People have a tendency to believe what they see and hear as opposed to just what they read. Smart marketing is all about building trust, and telling the truth and creating "Customers" for life.
Business is rapidly changing as consumers often do research on line, comparing products, services and pricing. They then either order on line or use the information they have gathered to shop at a store. The fastest growing segment is on line shopping and with the ability to show your company, product and service on line gives you a distinct advantage over your competition. As they say a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a Billion!
When consumers shop on line and become customers you have the perfect business tools to stay in touch with video emails and video newsletters. Direct mail, flyers and newsprint advertising (declining market) are just not working like they did even five years ago. With Smartphone's and tablets you can always be in touch (without offending, spamming etc) but offering the latest and absolutely the best customer service. Follow up is one of the keys to keeping loyal customers and getting referrals. It all starts with Video.
So the next time a friend refers a business, product or service, keep an open mind and check it out, after all it could be the one thing that changes your life.
Make sure you check out my New Blog, it contains videos and articles on a full range of relevant business articles. Baby boomers will especially like this new site, in fact anyone who is suffering mentally (stressed out, depressed etc) or financially challenged, there is something just for you. See my Video Blog Do it now!
Companies spend millions on advertising to get new customers. Once they acquire a new customer they want to keep them for life, by offering them additional services or products. This communication is often in the form of Direct Marketing (regular mail, email and newsletters) and offering them loyalty rewards such as point, discounts and referral incentives.
At the end of the day people like to do business with companies that offers not only a great product or service, but great "Customer Service", and they realize by rewarding people for referrals is a very successful business model.
The challenge every business faces today is how to effectively communicate with your customers and prospects. How do you get them to know, trust and want to do business with you? How do you get referrals from satisfied customers? How do you get customers to keep coming back and buying more? It starts by building a solid company brand with a quality reputation for excellent customer service. I call this "Marketing Through Service" and nothing does it better than video.
Only video gives you instant credibility and at the same time brands you, your product, service and your company. People have a tendency to believe what they see and hear as opposed to just what they read. Smart marketing is all about building trust, and telling the truth and creating "Customers" for life.
Business is rapidly changing as consumers often do research on line, comparing products, services and pricing. They then either order on line or use the information they have gathered to shop at a store. The fastest growing segment is on line shopping and with the ability to show your company, product and service on line gives you a distinct advantage over your competition. As they say a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a Billion!
When consumers shop on line and become customers you have the perfect business tools to stay in touch with video emails and video newsletters. Direct mail, flyers and newsprint advertising (declining market) are just not working like they did even five years ago. With Smartphone's and tablets you can always be in touch (without offending, spamming etc) but offering the latest and absolutely the best customer service. Follow up is one of the keys to keeping loyal customers and getting referrals. It all starts with Video.
So the next time a friend refers a business, product or service, keep an open mind and check it out, after all it could be the one thing that changes your life.
Make sure you check out my New Blog, it contains videos and articles on a full range of relevant business articles. Baby boomers will especially like this new site, in fact anyone who is suffering mentally (stressed out, depressed etc) or financially challenged, there is something just for you. See my Video Blog Do it now!