Doublethink Economics
Let's see now...
in the last six months between George Bush and Barack Obama, multiple trillions of dollars have been pumped into our broken economy.
The effect that can be seen to date is precious little as per TARP.
Those effects that must be foreseen such as the coming unprecedented indebtedness in an already over-indebted nation - have been mostly ignored.
Despite common sense informing us that debt does not resolve itself by taking on more; general consensus is that bailouts are the only way out.
Experts (who are counting) say that at least half of the bailout money will go to further bailout bankers.
President Obama said it's not help for the bankers, but for us because this will help to "get credit flowing" again so we can borrow more! Can you afford to go further into debt? I didn't think so..
Make no mistake, Orwellian doublethink is upon us.
The good news is that a smaller portion will fund infrastructure upgrades, increased unemployment benefits and a modest tax-break in paychecks for everyday people.
According to a February 14, 2009 article, Bubble Economy 2.
0 by economist Michael Hudson: "None of this can solve today's financial problem.
The debt overhead far exceeds the economy's ability to pay.
If the banks would indeed do what Pres.
Obama's appointees are begging them to do and lend more, the debt burden would become even heavier and buying access to housing even more costly.
When the banks look back fondly on what Alan Greenspan called "wealth creation," we can see today that the less euphemistic terminology would be "debt creation.
" Former U.
Treasury analyst and author on February 25, 2009 writes: "During fiscal year 2009 the U.
Treasury is on-track to pay over $500 billion just in interest payments to finance the already-existing debt.
New debt this year will likely exceed a trillion dollars.
The total debt burden on the economy as a whole could reach $70 trillion by 2010, with annual interest payments for individuals, households, businesses, and all levels of government likely to reach $3 trillion out of a $14 trillion GDP that is now in sharp decline.
" What's going on? The Federal Reserve alone ultimately determines and controls how borrowed trillions will affect "we the people".
Media rarely makes clear that the U.
Federal Reserve trumps the U.
government and that all central banks worldwide are autonomous and do not answer to their governments! Neither Barack Obama (nor any other politician for that matter) has the power to derail the impact of money mechanics without reforming the entire system.
A brief analogy using Russian Nesting Dolls illustrates my point: The outermost doll contains progressively smaller and smaller dolls inside it.
The outermost doll (i.
the monetary system) contains and is context for all others; government, industry, finance, health and medicine, science, agriculture, education, media and religion.
As the primaryman-made system in the world, the monetary system wields the power of self-interest to shape the possibilities for all it "contains".
The result? Unprecedented amounts of money (digital credit) dumped into the economy cannot deter more sinister implications.
Impartial money mechanics grind out money (credit) based on a blueprint that debases the value of currency over time, by design.
Hyper-inflation is on the lips of those who foresee the inevitable.
Foreclosures, bankruptcies, layoffs and continued outsourcing might just be the tip of the iceberg if the cost of living soars.
And what if families become burdened with more debt and taxation? Will gainful employment alone be enough to stem the tide? In these stranger than fiction times, I am not only concerned with how to stave off the potential loss of economic freedom, but perhaps more importantly, the loss of personal freedom.
That's why I've decided to start a list about how to earn extra money.
Repairs: For shoes, houses, computers, clothes, cars, etc.
Food: Use backyard space for a neighborhood garden.
Grow food and sell it at a farmer's market.
Bake and sell homemade bread.
Grow and sell "starter" vegetables at a farmer's market.
Raise bees and sell their honey.
Other: Have a garage sale or sell stuff on Craigslist.
Consider elder care or child care.
Work in a hospital as a Certified Nurses Assistant (CNA) Rent out your tools.
Rent out your garage to store a fancy car or just stuff.
Rent out an extra room in your home.
Rent yard space to someone with a 5th wheeler.
I will continue to beat the drum of an alternative approach to personal finance for those serious about avoiding the systemic, personal consequences of deficit spending.
"This act (the Federal Reserve Act) establishes the most gigantic trust on Earth...
When the President signs this act, the invisible government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation, will be legalized...
The new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation...
" Congressman Charles A.
Lindbergh Sr.
December, 1913
in the last six months between George Bush and Barack Obama, multiple trillions of dollars have been pumped into our broken economy.
The effect that can be seen to date is precious little as per TARP.
Those effects that must be foreseen such as the coming unprecedented indebtedness in an already over-indebted nation - have been mostly ignored.
Despite common sense informing us that debt does not resolve itself by taking on more; general consensus is that bailouts are the only way out.
Experts (who are counting) say that at least half of the bailout money will go to further bailout bankers.
President Obama said it's not help for the bankers, but for us because this will help to "get credit flowing" again so we can borrow more! Can you afford to go further into debt? I didn't think so..
Make no mistake, Orwellian doublethink is upon us.
The good news is that a smaller portion will fund infrastructure upgrades, increased unemployment benefits and a modest tax-break in paychecks for everyday people.
According to a February 14, 2009 article, Bubble Economy 2.
0 by economist Michael Hudson: "None of this can solve today's financial problem.
The debt overhead far exceeds the economy's ability to pay.
If the banks would indeed do what Pres.
Obama's appointees are begging them to do and lend more, the debt burden would become even heavier and buying access to housing even more costly.
When the banks look back fondly on what Alan Greenspan called "wealth creation," we can see today that the less euphemistic terminology would be "debt creation.
" Former U.
Treasury analyst and author on February 25, 2009 writes: "During fiscal year 2009 the U.
Treasury is on-track to pay over $500 billion just in interest payments to finance the already-existing debt.
New debt this year will likely exceed a trillion dollars.
The total debt burden on the economy as a whole could reach $70 trillion by 2010, with annual interest payments for individuals, households, businesses, and all levels of government likely to reach $3 trillion out of a $14 trillion GDP that is now in sharp decline.
" What's going on? The Federal Reserve alone ultimately determines and controls how borrowed trillions will affect "we the people".
Media rarely makes clear that the U.
Federal Reserve trumps the U.
government and that all central banks worldwide are autonomous and do not answer to their governments! Neither Barack Obama (nor any other politician for that matter) has the power to derail the impact of money mechanics without reforming the entire system.
A brief analogy using Russian Nesting Dolls illustrates my point: The outermost doll contains progressively smaller and smaller dolls inside it.
The outermost doll (i.
the monetary system) contains and is context for all others; government, industry, finance, health and medicine, science, agriculture, education, media and religion.
As the primaryman-made system in the world, the monetary system wields the power of self-interest to shape the possibilities for all it "contains".
The result? Unprecedented amounts of money (digital credit) dumped into the economy cannot deter more sinister implications.
Impartial money mechanics grind out money (credit) based on a blueprint that debases the value of currency over time, by design.
Hyper-inflation is on the lips of those who foresee the inevitable.
Foreclosures, bankruptcies, layoffs and continued outsourcing might just be the tip of the iceberg if the cost of living soars.
And what if families become burdened with more debt and taxation? Will gainful employment alone be enough to stem the tide? In these stranger than fiction times, I am not only concerned with how to stave off the potential loss of economic freedom, but perhaps more importantly, the loss of personal freedom.
That's why I've decided to start a list about how to earn extra money.
Repairs: For shoes, houses, computers, clothes, cars, etc.
Food: Use backyard space for a neighborhood garden.
Grow food and sell it at a farmer's market.
Bake and sell homemade bread.
Grow and sell "starter" vegetables at a farmer's market.
Raise bees and sell their honey.
Other: Have a garage sale or sell stuff on Craigslist.
Consider elder care or child care.
Work in a hospital as a Certified Nurses Assistant (CNA) Rent out your tools.
Rent out your garage to store a fancy car or just stuff.
Rent out an extra room in your home.
Rent yard space to someone with a 5th wheeler.
I will continue to beat the drum of an alternative approach to personal finance for those serious about avoiding the systemic, personal consequences of deficit spending.
"This act (the Federal Reserve Act) establishes the most gigantic trust on Earth...
When the President signs this act, the invisible government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation, will be legalized...
The new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation...
" Congressman Charles A.
Lindbergh Sr.
December, 1913