Omega 3 Helps Depression and So Much More
The good news is that omega 3 helps depression, especially if you are suffering from a mild or moderate depression.
It can also help with many other health issues with the key being to select the right oil or little or no benefit can be had.
The fact that omega 3 helps depression isn't so surprising when you realize that over 60% of our brain is made up of fats, with over half of that being DHA omega 3.
These special fatty acids, of which the main one is DHA, can also reduce the severity of schizophrenia by over 25%, showing just how effective they are for improving your mental well-being and mood.
Here's the scientific version: Fatty acids are essential for the healthy formation of the brain's nerve cell membranes.
The brain is the richest source of fatty acids in the body, and because nerve cell function depends on proper membrane functioning, changes in the membrane fluidity have a negative effect on behavior, mood and mental function.
By taking a daily omega 3 supplement, the best of which are fish oils, you can not only improve your depression but also benefit from prevention of heart attacks and strokes, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol and help in the fight against prostate and breast cancer to name a few.
So omega 3 helps depression and helps you avoid many of the degenerative diseases later on, so how do you ensure you get the best? Your priority is to get as much DHA as possible and my recommendation is at least 250mg of DHA per fish oil capsule or soft gel to reap the maximum rewards.
Check the label as most contain far less and more of the other important but less useful one, EPA.
Molecular distillation will make sure there are no toxins left over from the fish like mercury and arsenic, leaving you with safe and very pure oil.
With over 90% of us being deficient in these wonderful oils and now you know that omega 3 helps depression, you could soon start to feel significantly better and enjoy all the many benefits they bring.
If you would like to learn more about the high quality DHA fish oil supplements I personally take daily, visit my website today.
It can also help with many other health issues with the key being to select the right oil or little or no benefit can be had.
The fact that omega 3 helps depression isn't so surprising when you realize that over 60% of our brain is made up of fats, with over half of that being DHA omega 3.
These special fatty acids, of which the main one is DHA, can also reduce the severity of schizophrenia by over 25%, showing just how effective they are for improving your mental well-being and mood.
Here's the scientific version: Fatty acids are essential for the healthy formation of the brain's nerve cell membranes.
The brain is the richest source of fatty acids in the body, and because nerve cell function depends on proper membrane functioning, changes in the membrane fluidity have a negative effect on behavior, mood and mental function.
By taking a daily omega 3 supplement, the best of which are fish oils, you can not only improve your depression but also benefit from prevention of heart attacks and strokes, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol and help in the fight against prostate and breast cancer to name a few.
So omega 3 helps depression and helps you avoid many of the degenerative diseases later on, so how do you ensure you get the best? Your priority is to get as much DHA as possible and my recommendation is at least 250mg of DHA per fish oil capsule or soft gel to reap the maximum rewards.
Check the label as most contain far less and more of the other important but less useful one, EPA.
Molecular distillation will make sure there are no toxins left over from the fish like mercury and arsenic, leaving you with safe and very pure oil.
With over 90% of us being deficient in these wonderful oils and now you know that omega 3 helps depression, you could soon start to feel significantly better and enjoy all the many benefits they bring.
If you would like to learn more about the high quality DHA fish oil supplements I personally take daily, visit my website today.