The Perils of What You are Eating - Go Vegetarian!
In my last article I explained the perils of eating red meat and dairy and the increased risk of pancreatic cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis and arthritis to name a few. I have explained that avoiding red meat or meat of any kind as well as dairy of any kind (eggs, cheese, yogurt, etc) is a great start to a vegetarian lifestyle. However, to win this war, you will need to wage it on all fronts. The most important front will be for you to start carefully and conscientiously looking at all of the ingredients in the food you buy.
Before I discuss labels, however, let me give you one critical piece of advice. There are a lot of things that you might eat that are very unhealthy for you. Most will not be labeled "vegetarian" or "vegan." It will be your responsibility to become totally aware that anything you eat will have an impact on your physical and mental well being both present and future. I think to myself every time I put something in my mouth, "is this food, drink or item going to nourish me and make me healthier or be bad for me and make me sick or sicker?" I treat every food as I would a medication. I again ask myself, "what are the side effects of the food that I am about to consume." Raising your consciousness to this level will force you to become extremely conscientious in what you consume. The next thing I do is try to consume food as close to nature as possible. That simply means avoid processed foods at all costs. Try to eat organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and seeds in their natural state. That way you are guaranteed of getting the vitamins, nutrients and enzymes in the natural form the way Mother Nature packaged them. Not in the form, mankind redesigned and destroyed them! If I could teach you this simple technique your health and stamina would improve and you illnesses of every kind would be eradicated directly proportional to the time and how long you begin and continue to do this.
Now back to labeling. Whenever you pick up an item in a grocery store that is not in its natural packaging (apple, pear, avocado, lettuce, celery, kale, collard greens, etc., etc.) look at the label on the package and dissect it. If you see terms you don't understand, it is your responsibility to go home and get on the internet and "understand/learn" what they are. Simple silent killers are products with aspartame, sucralose, high fructose corn syrup and dyes of any kind. This is no joke and until you realize everything that goes in your mouth will either make you healthier or sicker, you will remain the lemming following the crowd over the cliff or a blind man wandering around with no guide or stick aimlessly. Some of the words in ingredient lists such as lactic acid and lactose come from milk; beeswax is often used as a glazing agent. Some red food colorings come from crushed insects -- if you see the word "cochineal," "carmine" or "carminic acid," it means that the red food dye was made from ground-up beetles! Yum!
Glycerin and other fat-based additives are often made from animal sources, and gelatin is a common thickener found in many commercial food products that comes from animals. Made from boiled animal ligaments and bones, gelatin is actually collagen, a by-product of the meat industry, and it's found in chewy sweets, vitamin supplements, yogurts and desserts. Here are some other words to look for and avoid the foods that contain them at all costs. They are on the category of foods that will make you sick or sicker!
Albumen: This is the technical term for egg whites, and it's found in a lot of commercial products, especially baked goods. Anchovies: You'll find these in Worcestershire sauce, Asian condiments and Thai curry paste.
Animal fats: Lard is used in cookies, crackers and cakes, refried beans and animal fats are often used in the manufacture of margarines, butter-flavor spreads and even ice creams. Animal fats are also still used to cook French fries and many types of crispy snack foods.
Meat stocks: Check the labels of all soups carefully to make sure that chicken or beef stock wasn't used as the base. It will be very hard to find anything in a can for soup that doesn't have this in it. Rennet: Rennet is an enzyme extracted from the stomach lining of slaughtered calves, and it's used to make many types of hard cheese. The cheese powder used to flavor crackers and chips is almost always made with rennet-based cheese.
Vitamin D3: Another reason to carefully read labels - many vegetable margarines contain vitamin D3, which is derived from lanolin from sheep's wool. Vitamin D2, however, is fine for vegans.
Whey: This is a by-product of cheese-making when rennet is used - it's the liquid that's pressed from the cheese. Whey is used to boost protein in commercial products, or as a base for flavor sprays used on chips and crackers. Look at ingredients, stay informed about food production, and don't be afraid to speak up when a company uses animal products in their foods. The popular Mars Bar went non-vegetarian in 2007 when they announced that they would be using whey as part of their production. When 6,000 consumers voiced their outrage Mars then changed their mind and stopped! It's possible to eat well, be ethical and to make a difference. So read that label and avoid the killers! Good luck and "have you hugged a vegetarian today?"
Forget about all the food experts and especially the false information by those that claim they know what you should do to get healthy. All the diets that are out there don't work and are just that "D-I-E ts" that will kill you. I have nearly 60 years experience in health and fitness and have tried them all. What you need is a lifestyle change. That lifestyle change is to become a vegetarian.
If you want to learn more go to Go Vegetarian [] or Permanent Weight Loss The Vegetarian Way []!
Before I discuss labels, however, let me give you one critical piece of advice. There are a lot of things that you might eat that are very unhealthy for you. Most will not be labeled "vegetarian" or "vegan." It will be your responsibility to become totally aware that anything you eat will have an impact on your physical and mental well being both present and future. I think to myself every time I put something in my mouth, "is this food, drink or item going to nourish me and make me healthier or be bad for me and make me sick or sicker?" I treat every food as I would a medication. I again ask myself, "what are the side effects of the food that I am about to consume." Raising your consciousness to this level will force you to become extremely conscientious in what you consume. The next thing I do is try to consume food as close to nature as possible. That simply means avoid processed foods at all costs. Try to eat organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and seeds in their natural state. That way you are guaranteed of getting the vitamins, nutrients and enzymes in the natural form the way Mother Nature packaged them. Not in the form, mankind redesigned and destroyed them! If I could teach you this simple technique your health and stamina would improve and you illnesses of every kind would be eradicated directly proportional to the time and how long you begin and continue to do this.
Now back to labeling. Whenever you pick up an item in a grocery store that is not in its natural packaging (apple, pear, avocado, lettuce, celery, kale, collard greens, etc., etc.) look at the label on the package and dissect it. If you see terms you don't understand, it is your responsibility to go home and get on the internet and "understand/learn" what they are. Simple silent killers are products with aspartame, sucralose, high fructose corn syrup and dyes of any kind. This is no joke and until you realize everything that goes in your mouth will either make you healthier or sicker, you will remain the lemming following the crowd over the cliff or a blind man wandering around with no guide or stick aimlessly. Some of the words in ingredient lists such as lactic acid and lactose come from milk; beeswax is often used as a glazing agent. Some red food colorings come from crushed insects -- if you see the word "cochineal," "carmine" or "carminic acid," it means that the red food dye was made from ground-up beetles! Yum!
Glycerin and other fat-based additives are often made from animal sources, and gelatin is a common thickener found in many commercial food products that comes from animals. Made from boiled animal ligaments and bones, gelatin is actually collagen, a by-product of the meat industry, and it's found in chewy sweets, vitamin supplements, yogurts and desserts. Here are some other words to look for and avoid the foods that contain them at all costs. They are on the category of foods that will make you sick or sicker!
Albumen: This is the technical term for egg whites, and it's found in a lot of commercial products, especially baked goods. Anchovies: You'll find these in Worcestershire sauce, Asian condiments and Thai curry paste.
Animal fats: Lard is used in cookies, crackers and cakes, refried beans and animal fats are often used in the manufacture of margarines, butter-flavor spreads and even ice creams. Animal fats are also still used to cook French fries and many types of crispy snack foods.
Meat stocks: Check the labels of all soups carefully to make sure that chicken or beef stock wasn't used as the base. It will be very hard to find anything in a can for soup that doesn't have this in it. Rennet: Rennet is an enzyme extracted from the stomach lining of slaughtered calves, and it's used to make many types of hard cheese. The cheese powder used to flavor crackers and chips is almost always made with rennet-based cheese.
Vitamin D3: Another reason to carefully read labels - many vegetable margarines contain vitamin D3, which is derived from lanolin from sheep's wool. Vitamin D2, however, is fine for vegans.
Whey: This is a by-product of cheese-making when rennet is used - it's the liquid that's pressed from the cheese. Whey is used to boost protein in commercial products, or as a base for flavor sprays used on chips and crackers. Look at ingredients, stay informed about food production, and don't be afraid to speak up when a company uses animal products in their foods. The popular Mars Bar went non-vegetarian in 2007 when they announced that they would be using whey as part of their production. When 6,000 consumers voiced their outrage Mars then changed their mind and stopped! It's possible to eat well, be ethical and to make a difference. So read that label and avoid the killers! Good luck and "have you hugged a vegetarian today?"
Forget about all the food experts and especially the false information by those that claim they know what you should do to get healthy. All the diets that are out there don't work and are just that "D-I-E ts" that will kill you. I have nearly 60 years experience in health and fitness and have tried them all. What you need is a lifestyle change. That lifestyle change is to become a vegetarian.
If you want to learn more go to Go Vegetarian [] or Permanent Weight Loss The Vegetarian Way []!