Prostate Cancer - A Nautural Cure Without Medication
Prostate cancer is classified as an adenocarcinoma, or glandular cancer, that begins when normal semen-secreting prostate gland cells mutate into cancer cells.
The symptoms or conventional treatment of prostate cancer will not be discussed here, as they are well documented, and a great deal of research has been underway for a long time.
Rather, our discussion is first of all the mutation of the normal prostate cells, and then, a restoration without mutation of new cells, letting the body's immune system clear away the cancer.
Mutation of Prostate Cells A genetic mutation is defined as a distinct change of the DNA sequence within a gene or chromosome of any organism.
This in turn results in the creation of new characteristics or traits not found in the parental type.
Mutations occur very seldom on their own in nature.
Instead, they are usually caused by mutagens (substances or forces that give rise to mutations).
In the case of the cells of the prostate, these may be (often are) environmental in nature, or by direct invasion of strong radiating forces.
Whatever the specific cause, the cancerous mutations on the prostate gave rise to new cells that if generally left untreated, can metastasize, and end up with death as the result.
Conventional Treatment vs.
Alternative Treatment There are now several options available to the men afflicted with this condition.
There is also an alternative treatment that can be used on its own, or in conjunction with any of the various conventional treatments available.
The alternative treatment suggests the afflicted man to get in intimate touch with his deepest self, and locate the perfect pattern of non-diseased genetic codes which produced non-diseased prostate cells.
Once this is done, the pattern can be superimposed on the cells of the prostate, and the new cells are produced to the original pattern.
This is called application of the Konov Principle The Konov Principle Sergey Konov, a contemporary Russian film producer, writer and original thinker, has coined the phrase Genetic Memory to express the repository of all chemical-physical events in our bodily and mental existence.
Konov has explained that in the case of cancer of the prostate, the genetic memory has records of both the normal and cancerous genetic information.
By the application of addressing the genetic memory, one can re-establish the priority of the normal arrangement Addressing the Genetic Memory By following some basic yogic exercises in relaxation and concentration, one may become gradually aware of one's inner and basic nature, including the mechanism of genetic reproduction of cellular material.
The technique of achieving this may be found in earlier articles covering application of the Konov Principle.
The actual possibility of discovering one's ideal genetic combinations and then superimposing them upon the later, mutated variety is a real and practical possibility.
Doctors are still quite uncertain about the nature of the healing process, and quite impressed with recent "placebo" cures occurring when patients believe strongly enough they are being treated.
These patients may have accidentally found their way to their own genetic memories, and healed themselves.
This article does not suggest you should reject medical treatment if you need it, but rather, should you find yourself ill, with say, prostate cancer, some deep self-realization techniques and practice, can bring you closer to realizing your own nature, and help yourself effect a cure.
The symptoms or conventional treatment of prostate cancer will not be discussed here, as they are well documented, and a great deal of research has been underway for a long time.
Rather, our discussion is first of all the mutation of the normal prostate cells, and then, a restoration without mutation of new cells, letting the body's immune system clear away the cancer.
Mutation of Prostate Cells A genetic mutation is defined as a distinct change of the DNA sequence within a gene or chromosome of any organism.
This in turn results in the creation of new characteristics or traits not found in the parental type.
Mutations occur very seldom on their own in nature.
Instead, they are usually caused by mutagens (substances or forces that give rise to mutations).
In the case of the cells of the prostate, these may be (often are) environmental in nature, or by direct invasion of strong radiating forces.
Whatever the specific cause, the cancerous mutations on the prostate gave rise to new cells that if generally left untreated, can metastasize, and end up with death as the result.
Conventional Treatment vs.
Alternative Treatment There are now several options available to the men afflicted with this condition.
There is also an alternative treatment that can be used on its own, or in conjunction with any of the various conventional treatments available.
The alternative treatment suggests the afflicted man to get in intimate touch with his deepest self, and locate the perfect pattern of non-diseased genetic codes which produced non-diseased prostate cells.
Once this is done, the pattern can be superimposed on the cells of the prostate, and the new cells are produced to the original pattern.
This is called application of the Konov Principle The Konov Principle Sergey Konov, a contemporary Russian film producer, writer and original thinker, has coined the phrase Genetic Memory to express the repository of all chemical-physical events in our bodily and mental existence.
Konov has explained that in the case of cancer of the prostate, the genetic memory has records of both the normal and cancerous genetic information.
By the application of addressing the genetic memory, one can re-establish the priority of the normal arrangement Addressing the Genetic Memory By following some basic yogic exercises in relaxation and concentration, one may become gradually aware of one's inner and basic nature, including the mechanism of genetic reproduction of cellular material.
The technique of achieving this may be found in earlier articles covering application of the Konov Principle.
The actual possibility of discovering one's ideal genetic combinations and then superimposing them upon the later, mutated variety is a real and practical possibility.
Doctors are still quite uncertain about the nature of the healing process, and quite impressed with recent "placebo" cures occurring when patients believe strongly enough they are being treated.
These patients may have accidentally found their way to their own genetic memories, and healed themselves.
This article does not suggest you should reject medical treatment if you need it, but rather, should you find yourself ill, with say, prostate cancer, some deep self-realization techniques and practice, can bring you closer to realizing your own nature, and help yourself effect a cure.