Why Are You Still Living in Anxiety?
Did you know that you can decide not to feel anxiety any longer? It is a courageous decision, but it is possible to make it.
You probably do not believe this statement.
And who can be angry at you? Only yourself! It is obvious that anxiety is a central problem in your life.
Your thoughts are flying around it.
You do not see any way out of it.
There are ways, believe me.
They are not even too hidden, if you really want to see them.
You can discover them easily.
Some of them are in front of you, but most of them are within you.
All problem solving needs one thing: your will to take action.
To take action means to undertake something, not to just give up.
Giving up is not problem-solving.
It is maintaining your problem.
One way is to face anxiety as it is.
With the pounding heart, with the difficulty to breathe, with all the various symptoms you may feel.
Go through all these feelings and know that they will not last for ever.
And that they cannot do you any harm.
Anxiety and panic attacks seem to be endless, to last for hours, but usually they do not last long.
If you are able to go through them and confirm to yourself that they will go over.
, that you can master them, you are on the right track.
It is not so easy to live these symptoms as if they did not happen to yourself, but it is feasible and you are the winner if you do it.
Try to watch the symptoms pass by.
You are outside of them.
Just watching and not getting involved in the drama, is a wonderful way to overcome anxiety.
If you do not feel to be able to go through the whole attack, give it at least a try.
Every time another attack arrives, you will stand it for longer until you master it completely.
Then celebrate.
It is important to celebrate your victory.
It gives you a higher self-esteem.
You did it and the attack or the going through it did not harm you.
You can celebrate in whatever way you like.
Have an ice-cream, go for a walk, buy some flowers for yourself.
Go to a concert.
Just enjoy your victory.
After the first victory, the next one will be reached with more ease.
To overcome anxiety means to love yourself.
And this is the goal you want to achieve.
You probably do not believe this statement.
And who can be angry at you? Only yourself! It is obvious that anxiety is a central problem in your life.
Your thoughts are flying around it.
You do not see any way out of it.
There are ways, believe me.
They are not even too hidden, if you really want to see them.
You can discover them easily.
Some of them are in front of you, but most of them are within you.
All problem solving needs one thing: your will to take action.
To take action means to undertake something, not to just give up.
Giving up is not problem-solving.
It is maintaining your problem.
One way is to face anxiety as it is.
With the pounding heart, with the difficulty to breathe, with all the various symptoms you may feel.
Go through all these feelings and know that they will not last for ever.
And that they cannot do you any harm.
Anxiety and panic attacks seem to be endless, to last for hours, but usually they do not last long.
If you are able to go through them and confirm to yourself that they will go over.
, that you can master them, you are on the right track.
It is not so easy to live these symptoms as if they did not happen to yourself, but it is feasible and you are the winner if you do it.
Try to watch the symptoms pass by.
You are outside of them.
Just watching and not getting involved in the drama, is a wonderful way to overcome anxiety.
If you do not feel to be able to go through the whole attack, give it at least a try.
Every time another attack arrives, you will stand it for longer until you master it completely.
Then celebrate.
It is important to celebrate your victory.
It gives you a higher self-esteem.
You did it and the attack or the going through it did not harm you.
You can celebrate in whatever way you like.
Have an ice-cream, go for a walk, buy some flowers for yourself.
Go to a concert.
Just enjoy your victory.
After the first victory, the next one will be reached with more ease.
To overcome anxiety means to love yourself.
And this is the goal you want to achieve.