Rosacea Skin Disorder Types
Rosacea is a very devastating skin ailment which mostly targets middle-age people above 30 years. As per statistics, rosacea skin disorder has been found to be more prevalent among white skinned females. Yet some opine that it has some kind of link with racial origin since the occurrence of rosacea has been noticed to be more common among people with Celtic origin. This is the reason why rosacea is often called as "Celtic curse." The symptoms of rosacea have a great resemblance to those of acne. And for this reason this ailment is often mistaken as acne while the origin, nature, and medication of these two skin disorders completely differ from one another. The basic symptom of rosacea is marked by sudden and excessive flushing and blushing of the facial region. In addition to this there might be onset of pimples, nodules, and pustules which are often found to be inflamed, solid, or pus-filled.
Facial region becomes the most favorable attack zone for acne rosacea skin disorder. Another typical sign which is closely related with the flushing of the face is the dilation of the blood vessels which in extreme cases might even rupture. Due to this unnatural dilation, the blood vessels which are often visible from the skin surface look much like a network of thin red lines. This condition is known as telangiectasia. A deformed nose which is also known as rhynophyma, is yet another peculiar indication of rosacea. In rhynophyma, there is some fluid collection observed in the skin tissue of the nasal area which plays as the main reason behind the disfigurement of the nose. But it happens in severely outgrown condition of this disease if left untreated for a longer duration. Rosacea is also heard to attack the eyes by inducing profound dry eye symptoms, sandy and itchy feelings, watering, and swollen eyelids.
Unfortunately like its causes, any definite cure for this skin ailment is also obscure till date. Nevertheless, quite a number of medicinal treatment procedures and preventive measures have shown remarkable outcome in combating the disease with significance. A rosacea patient should never be exposed to excessive heat nor remain too long in the sun. This would eliminate the chances of being affected by heat-induced or photoaggravated flushing of the skin. If possible a cold compress would prove to be a very effective way to alleviate the redness generated by the dilated blood vessels, and in doing so it would also restore the expanded blood vessels to a considerable amount. A rosacea patient is always advised to visit an experienced dermatologist as soon as the onset of the disease is noticed. Dermatologists often suggest antibiotics like clindamycin, metronidazole, or erythromycin. Doxycycline is also used frequently as a popular medication for rosacea skin disorder. Dermabrasion, electrosurgery, and CO2 laser are a few names of the available surgical procedures for fixing rhynophyma or nasal deformation. In order to reduce the ocular problems, patients are usually advised to clean their eyelids with dilute baby shampoo and other over-the-counter eyelid cleansing products.
Facial region becomes the most favorable attack zone for acne rosacea skin disorder. Another typical sign which is closely related with the flushing of the face is the dilation of the blood vessels which in extreme cases might even rupture. Due to this unnatural dilation, the blood vessels which are often visible from the skin surface look much like a network of thin red lines. This condition is known as telangiectasia. A deformed nose which is also known as rhynophyma, is yet another peculiar indication of rosacea. In rhynophyma, there is some fluid collection observed in the skin tissue of the nasal area which plays as the main reason behind the disfigurement of the nose. But it happens in severely outgrown condition of this disease if left untreated for a longer duration. Rosacea is also heard to attack the eyes by inducing profound dry eye symptoms, sandy and itchy feelings, watering, and swollen eyelids.
Unfortunately like its causes, any definite cure for this skin ailment is also obscure till date. Nevertheless, quite a number of medicinal treatment procedures and preventive measures have shown remarkable outcome in combating the disease with significance. A rosacea patient should never be exposed to excessive heat nor remain too long in the sun. This would eliminate the chances of being affected by heat-induced or photoaggravated flushing of the skin. If possible a cold compress would prove to be a very effective way to alleviate the redness generated by the dilated blood vessels, and in doing so it would also restore the expanded blood vessels to a considerable amount. A rosacea patient is always advised to visit an experienced dermatologist as soon as the onset of the disease is noticed. Dermatologists often suggest antibiotics like clindamycin, metronidazole, or erythromycin. Doxycycline is also used frequently as a popular medication for rosacea skin disorder. Dermabrasion, electrosurgery, and CO2 laser are a few names of the available surgical procedures for fixing rhynophyma or nasal deformation. In order to reduce the ocular problems, patients are usually advised to clean their eyelids with dilute baby shampoo and other over-the-counter eyelid cleansing products.