How to Grow Super Sunflowers!
Easy to grow sunflowers bring pleasure to children, adults and birds alike.
Sunflowers make a statement by the sheer size of the plants, adding a presence in any garden over the summer months.
They have superb large flowers that will measure up to 40 cm across the bloom.
This will vary depending on the variety planted, as some sunflowers are available as dwarf plants.
The Sunflower is one of several very popular plants that are easily grown from seed.
When sowing the seed outside do so in the late spring or early summer when the soil and temperatures are warm enough.
The fast growing seeds turn as into plants very quickly.
Protect the plants from slugs and possibly rabbits if they are a pest in your area.
Deter slugs from consuming the small plants by dropping slug bait or slug pellets around the growing plants.
Use wire netting to protect them from rabbits.
For an early showing of these magnificent plants, sow the seed a few weeks early.
Planted in trays inside or protected by a glasshouse.
They transplant easily however; planting them directly into the soil seems to help them grow better.
If you plan to grow your seeds inside, hope the weather will be just right for planting outside, as the speed sunflowers grow is phenomenal! Sunflowers grow well in most well drained soils that contain some organic matter.
A sunny place in the garden that has protection from any wind is essential.
As the Sunflowers grow taller stake to keep them upright as the wind can damage and break the plants very easily.
When the weather is dry in the summer months water your sunflowers.
They appreciate moist roots and tolerate damp spots.
Place them at the back of a flowerbed with smaller plants to the front.
A wall or fence that is big enough to protect them from the wind is ideal.
Sunflowers were valued as sacred by the Incas of South America.
As well as appealing to the eye, sunflowers are also useful.
The chaffinches in the garden love the seeds once ripe.
I have wasted many hours watching them eat the seeds! Used in cooking as well as in soaps and lubricants the sunflower has a number of uses.
The most common these days are as a health food when the seeds are added to cereals and baking.
A little known feature is that the sunflower head always follows the sun, their heads turning as the sun passes during the day.
I know this to be true.
Easy to grow sunflowers bring pleasure to children, adults and birds alike.
Sunflowers make a statement by the sheer size of the plants, adding a presence in any garden over the summer months.
They have superb large flowers that will measure up to 40 cm across the bloom.
This will vary depending on the variety planted, as some sunflowers are available as dwarf plants.
The taller varieties can grow to nearly 4 meters in height in ideal growing conditions.
Sunflowers make a statement by the sheer size of the plants, adding a presence in any garden over the summer months.
They have superb large flowers that will measure up to 40 cm across the bloom.
This will vary depending on the variety planted, as some sunflowers are available as dwarf plants.
The Sunflower is one of several very popular plants that are easily grown from seed.
When sowing the seed outside do so in the late spring or early summer when the soil and temperatures are warm enough.
The fast growing seeds turn as into plants very quickly.
Protect the plants from slugs and possibly rabbits if they are a pest in your area.
Deter slugs from consuming the small plants by dropping slug bait or slug pellets around the growing plants.
Use wire netting to protect them from rabbits.
For an early showing of these magnificent plants, sow the seed a few weeks early.
Planted in trays inside or protected by a glasshouse.
They transplant easily however; planting them directly into the soil seems to help them grow better.
If you plan to grow your seeds inside, hope the weather will be just right for planting outside, as the speed sunflowers grow is phenomenal! Sunflowers grow well in most well drained soils that contain some organic matter.
A sunny place in the garden that has protection from any wind is essential.
As the Sunflowers grow taller stake to keep them upright as the wind can damage and break the plants very easily.
When the weather is dry in the summer months water your sunflowers.
They appreciate moist roots and tolerate damp spots.
Place them at the back of a flowerbed with smaller plants to the front.
A wall or fence that is big enough to protect them from the wind is ideal.
Sunflowers were valued as sacred by the Incas of South America.
As well as appealing to the eye, sunflowers are also useful.
The chaffinches in the garden love the seeds once ripe.
I have wasted many hours watching them eat the seeds! Used in cooking as well as in soaps and lubricants the sunflower has a number of uses.
The most common these days are as a health food when the seeds are added to cereals and baking.
A little known feature is that the sunflower head always follows the sun, their heads turning as the sun passes during the day.
I know this to be true.
Easy to grow sunflowers bring pleasure to children, adults and birds alike.
Sunflowers make a statement by the sheer size of the plants, adding a presence in any garden over the summer months.
They have superb large flowers that will measure up to 40 cm across the bloom.
This will vary depending on the variety planted, as some sunflowers are available as dwarf plants.
The taller varieties can grow to nearly 4 meters in height in ideal growing conditions.