Diet for Colitis Sufferers
- Colitis is inflammation of the colon lining. This can be mild or severe, as in the case of ulcerative colitis. In ulcerative colitis, the colon lining becomes so inflamed, it ulcerates and bleeds. This creates a perfect environment for bacteria to move in on the damaged tissue and cause an infection. Symptoms of colitis include weight loss, abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea, and bloody bowel movements. Colitis often becomes a chronic condition in which the patient must manage flare-ups with their diet. If symptoms persist, rapidly increase in severity, or new symptoms present, see your doctor right away.
- There is no one diet for people suffering from colitis. The condition is unpredictable--foods that cause flare-ups for some people are perfectly fine for other people suffering from the condition. Many colitis sufferers report having problems with similar foods, such as spicy foods, caffeine, dairy, and raw fruits and veggies. Eating a balanced diet, high in protein and fiber, seems to keep many colitis sufferers from experiencing flare-ups. Staying away from fast foods, which tend to be high in fat, seems to help some patients.
- Many colitis sufferers have found the use of a food journal very helpful. The cause of flare-ups is still not understood. Some people will eliminate whole food groups in the hopes of avoiding another episode. A food journal will allow you to pinpoint specific foods that cause trouble for your bowel. By finding the particular food item, you can still enjoy a varied diet and not eliminate foods unnecessarily.
- During a flare-up, no food may sound like a good idea but it is important to keep eating to avoid dehydration or malnutrition. Eating high-protein foods, such as eggs or chicken, along with low-fiber foods that are easier on the colon. If these types of foods are not tolerated, try a meal-replacement shake, like Ensure. If flare-up symptoms persist, see a doctor.
- The colon is responsible for the uptake of water, minerals and electrolytes. Dehydration is a real concern for the patients suffering from colitis, as the lining of the colon is defective and may prevent normal uptake. Drinking electrolyte-dense fluids, like Propel, can ensure electrolyte balance, especially during flare-ups.
Food Journal