Depressed Women May Risk Their Babies For Birth Defects With Their Antidepressants
It has been observed that women are twice more likely to have depression than men. This is not the only disadvantage for women because they are also more likely to suffer from the side effects with the treatments of depression. The antidepressant Zoloft for example, has been linked with birth defects especially when taken at the third trimester of pregnancy. Zoloft is manufactured by Pfizer, the makers of newly-approved lung cancer drug, Xalkori.
Why Do Women Suffer from Depression?
A number of factors can be enumerated why women suffer from depression but most often than not, it has something to do with hormones. Some of the common causes in females are listed below.
Premenstrual Problems
Hormonal fluctuations may lead to symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) which include bloating, easily getting irritable and emotional hyperactivity. For most women, symptoms of PMS are mild but there are those who suffer from a condition called Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder in which the symptoms greatly interfere with lives.
Pregnancy is also known to be a condition in a womans life where her hormones can be raging and imbalanced. Changes in hormonal levels may contribute to depression especially to women who are at risk even before getting pregnant.
Postpartum Depression
Changes after pregnancy may lead a woman to suffer from depression. Postpartum blues are common and normal in most mothers but some experience a more severe form of the blues which can later progress into postpartum depression. Postpartum is believed to be caused by the sudden drop of hormones after giving birth.
Depression Treatment in Women
The management of depression in women are similar to those of men. However, biological differences between men and women should be taken into consideration. In antidepressants for instance, women should start at a lower dose to avoid serious side effects. Women who are pregnant should also be given special considerations because the medications might be a risk to the growing fetus. Zoloft birth defects for instance have been talked about especially with regard to using antidepressants in pregnant women.
Why Do Women Suffer from Depression?
A number of factors can be enumerated why women suffer from depression but most often than not, it has something to do with hormones. Some of the common causes in females are listed below.
Premenstrual Problems
Hormonal fluctuations may lead to symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) which include bloating, easily getting irritable and emotional hyperactivity. For most women, symptoms of PMS are mild but there are those who suffer from a condition called Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder in which the symptoms greatly interfere with lives.
Pregnancy is also known to be a condition in a womans life where her hormones can be raging and imbalanced. Changes in hormonal levels may contribute to depression especially to women who are at risk even before getting pregnant.
Postpartum Depression
Changes after pregnancy may lead a woman to suffer from depression. Postpartum blues are common and normal in most mothers but some experience a more severe form of the blues which can later progress into postpartum depression. Postpartum is believed to be caused by the sudden drop of hormones after giving birth.
Depression Treatment in Women
The management of depression in women are similar to those of men. However, biological differences between men and women should be taken into consideration. In antidepressants for instance, women should start at a lower dose to avoid serious side effects. Women who are pregnant should also be given special considerations because the medications might be a risk to the growing fetus. Zoloft birth defects for instance have been talked about especially with regard to using antidepressants in pregnant women.