How to Connect Solenoid Wires to Power Wires on a Sprinkler System
- 1). Unplug the AC power adapter from the sprinkler timer.
- 2). Pull open the sprinkler timer panel to expose the wiring ports.
- 3). Inspect the order of the wiring and note the position of the colored wires. Each colored wire will be connected to one zone. If the red wire is connected to the first port, for example, the red wire will control zone No. 1 on the sprinkler system. The white wire will always be connected to the ground, or common neutral slot.
- 4). Open the sprinkler irrigation box outside by pulling up on either side. This will expose the sprinkler valves and solenoids.
- 5). Locate the solenoid that you want to connect to the sprinkler timer.
- 6). Twist the exposed end of the solenoid wire that has the dotted line together with the exposed end of the white wire from the sprinkler timer. This is the neutral connection.
- 7). Twist the exposed end of the solenoid wire that has the solid line or no line together with the exposed end of the colored wire that corresponds with the zone number that you want to control the solenoid. For example, if you want the solenoid to control zone No. 1, and the red wire was connected to that port at the timer, use the red wire.
- 8). Press both of the twisted pairs of wires into sprinkler grease caps. The caps prevent water from reaching the exposed wires, which can short out the electrical components.
- 9). Replace the lid on the sprinkler irrigation box and the panel on the sprinkler timer.
- 10
Plug in the AC power adapter on the sprinkler timer.