What Size Fishing Hooks to Use for Spots & Croakers
- Because both the spot and the croaker spawn in estuaries, their best habitat is near these coastal freshwater outlets. This affects the style of fishing best suited to catching these fish, which in turn affects what sort of bait and tackle to use. It is also important to keep in mind, when you set up your fishing rig, that both of these fish are bottom feeders. First, both are best fished from a boat, usually within a few hundred yards of shore, or, if there is a bridge, they can be found down near the pylons or supports of the bridge.
- Since both fish are bottom feeders, you can use similar types of bait, but there are a few that work especially well for each species of fish. Spot are best caught on small hooks or spinning tackle, using squid, shrimp, cut bait, fish bites or bloodworms. Croakers are known to steal bait, which is why many fishermen use dual #4 spinner hooks baited with squid, cut bait, blood-worms or a jig. You'll want to use leader weights to keep the line down, and simply float around or stay anchored, allowing the hook to drift near the bottom.
Hooks and Bait