Anxiety Treatment (EMDR)
With over 15 million Americans suffering from depression it comes as no surprise that there are many different types of treatment.
One of the most promising of the non prescription variety is Eye Movement Desensitizing and Reprocessing (EMDR).
In this informational article titled "Anxiety Treatment" we will focus on this very interesting concept.
Have you ever felt really stressed out and decided that perhaps taking a walk might help relieve the anxiety.
This is exactly what happened to psychologist Francine Shapiro in 1987.
While walking around a lake she noticed that a troubling thought disappeared every time certain eye movements occurred; specifically from lower left to the upper right in her visual field.
She tried it again with another troubling thought and viola the feeling of anxiety linked to that particular thought went away.
Her next step was to see if any of her friends and acquaintances might be willing to give it a try.
She convinced a few to try this somewhat simplistic approach with good results.
The next step was an obvious one, to implement it into her practice and the anxiety treatment now known as EMDR was born.
Today this form of anxiety treatment is used worldwide with great success.
The goal of this treatment for anxiety is the rapid processing of information about the negative experience and movement toward an adaptive resolution.
The anxiety riddled person should almost immediately experience a reduction in distress, a shift from a negative to a positive outlook, and hopefully better behavior in relationships and at work.
Most psychologists suggest about five treatments to achieve optimal results.
To be fair we must point out that despite it's acceptance as a safe and effective anxiety treatment no one really knows specifically how EMDR works but brain scan technology seems to support its effectiveness.
The best guess of most experts is that thoughts that are traumatic enough to cause anxiety get stuck in the information processing area of the brain.
When a person thinks about the anxiety riddled event, those old hidden feelings flood back into the conscious realm.
The goal of EDMR is to work them through to resolution.
In summary, the discussion of anxiety treatments is an interesting one with many viable options.
The trick is finding the one that works best for you.
What might work well for one person may not be as effective for another but as researchers start to gain a better understanding of the condition itself more effective treatments are sure to follow.
Additionally, many natural minded individuals are choosing to combine anxiety treatments such as Eye Movement Desensitizing and Reprocessing (EMDR) with herbal remedies.
Herbal remedies for anxiety have been shown to be effective in supporting a well adjusted outlook and promoting both mental and emotional health.
If you have been searching for a safe and effective alternative treatment this is an option worth considering.
One of the most promising of the non prescription variety is Eye Movement Desensitizing and Reprocessing (EMDR).
In this informational article titled "Anxiety Treatment" we will focus on this very interesting concept.
Have you ever felt really stressed out and decided that perhaps taking a walk might help relieve the anxiety.
This is exactly what happened to psychologist Francine Shapiro in 1987.
While walking around a lake she noticed that a troubling thought disappeared every time certain eye movements occurred; specifically from lower left to the upper right in her visual field.
She tried it again with another troubling thought and viola the feeling of anxiety linked to that particular thought went away.
Her next step was to see if any of her friends and acquaintances might be willing to give it a try.
She convinced a few to try this somewhat simplistic approach with good results.
The next step was an obvious one, to implement it into her practice and the anxiety treatment now known as EMDR was born.
Today this form of anxiety treatment is used worldwide with great success.
The goal of this treatment for anxiety is the rapid processing of information about the negative experience and movement toward an adaptive resolution.
The anxiety riddled person should almost immediately experience a reduction in distress, a shift from a negative to a positive outlook, and hopefully better behavior in relationships and at work.
Most psychologists suggest about five treatments to achieve optimal results.
To be fair we must point out that despite it's acceptance as a safe and effective anxiety treatment no one really knows specifically how EMDR works but brain scan technology seems to support its effectiveness.
The best guess of most experts is that thoughts that are traumatic enough to cause anxiety get stuck in the information processing area of the brain.
When a person thinks about the anxiety riddled event, those old hidden feelings flood back into the conscious realm.
The goal of EDMR is to work them through to resolution.
In summary, the discussion of anxiety treatments is an interesting one with many viable options.
The trick is finding the one that works best for you.
What might work well for one person may not be as effective for another but as researchers start to gain a better understanding of the condition itself more effective treatments are sure to follow.
Additionally, many natural minded individuals are choosing to combine anxiety treatments such as Eye Movement Desensitizing and Reprocessing (EMDR) with herbal remedies.
Herbal remedies for anxiety have been shown to be effective in supporting a well adjusted outlook and promoting both mental and emotional health.
If you have been searching for a safe and effective alternative treatment this is an option worth considering.