Texas Deer & Turkey Hunting Licenses
- The resident license allows an individual to hunt wildlife legally allowed to be hunted. The resident license allows hunting for leisure, hobbies and noneconomic reasons.
- A license allows the holder to hunt various types of deer and turkey in designated seasons. Texas allows the Rio Grande turkey and the eastern turkey to be hunted. White-tailed deer and mule deer can be hunted legally in Texas.
- Persons aged 17 to 65 must purchase a resident license permitting them to hunt turkey and deer in Texas. Persons younger than 17 and older than 65 who meet other requirements can apply for special licenses at reduced prices.
- An animal may be hunted when that animal is judged to be in season. Different varieties of species are hunted at different times throughout the year in Texas.
- Hunting licenses are available for purchase from the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department. Certain stores, including tackle, bait and grocery stores, also sell hunting licenses.