Handy Tips and Advices for Illustrators
There is more to being an illustrator than the ability to churn out aesthetically pleasing work. Here are a few golden nuggets of advice to help you get your illustration career on the fast track.
Decide whether you're going to go freelance or hire an agent.
The benefits of hiring an agent are quite considerable and when you find that you no longer have it in you to do all the legwork, an agent will certainly come in handy. With a bit of research, you'll be able to find an agent that works with what you're trying to do. One caveat, however: illustrators agency charge a fee and will take a significant chunk of your earnings for their commission. Don't be afraid to negotiate but don't lowball. Discuss all possible details and go over the contract with a fine-toothed comb.
Get ready to network.
No matter how good your portfolio is, you're not likely to get any work if nobody gets to see it. When you're in the market for new clients, the easiest thing to do is go online and look for companies that look like they're in need of an illustrator. You may ask your existing network for any leads, as well. Once you've found a few clients that seem promising, the next step is to get in touch with them.
It pays to be courteous and when you do call a potential client, be polite. You might even want to attend exhibits and the like in the hopes of bumping into leads or rubbing elbows with someone who might want to hire you.
Have a carefully curated portfolio.
It may seem much easier to compile all the work you've ever done in one folder or disc but this might not work out for you in the long run. You must take great care when picking out the work that'll be included in your portfolio as well as the format it'll be in. Your best bet in terms of format will be printed output since this will be a foolproof way to make sure your future client will see your work sans any technical issues. When it comes to storing your work, you may want to spend a little more money on a nice portfolio as opposed to a plastic one as it shows that you are committed to your craft.
Pick work that you feel is your strongest and are the best representations of yourself. Leave lackluster projects out to avoid giving your potential clients the idea that you aren't consistent when it comes to producing impeccable work. You may also choose to have your portfolio stored in the cloud but as with physical portfolios, don't allow the quality to flag. Remember to keep it updated at all times.
These are but 3 of the many tips that you can be given but with these basics, you are sure to be on your way to a fulfilling career as an illustrator. If you maintain your work's quality and have passion for the job, you get to do what you love and get paid for it, too.
Decide whether you're going to go freelance or hire an agent.
The benefits of hiring an agent are quite considerable and when you find that you no longer have it in you to do all the legwork, an agent will certainly come in handy. With a bit of research, you'll be able to find an agent that works with what you're trying to do. One caveat, however: illustrators agency charge a fee and will take a significant chunk of your earnings for their commission. Don't be afraid to negotiate but don't lowball. Discuss all possible details and go over the contract with a fine-toothed comb.
Get ready to network.
No matter how good your portfolio is, you're not likely to get any work if nobody gets to see it. When you're in the market for new clients, the easiest thing to do is go online and look for companies that look like they're in need of an illustrator. You may ask your existing network for any leads, as well. Once you've found a few clients that seem promising, the next step is to get in touch with them.
It pays to be courteous and when you do call a potential client, be polite. You might even want to attend exhibits and the like in the hopes of bumping into leads or rubbing elbows with someone who might want to hire you.
Have a carefully curated portfolio.
It may seem much easier to compile all the work you've ever done in one folder or disc but this might not work out for you in the long run. You must take great care when picking out the work that'll be included in your portfolio as well as the format it'll be in. Your best bet in terms of format will be printed output since this will be a foolproof way to make sure your future client will see your work sans any technical issues. When it comes to storing your work, you may want to spend a little more money on a nice portfolio as opposed to a plastic one as it shows that you are committed to your craft.
Pick work that you feel is your strongest and are the best representations of yourself. Leave lackluster projects out to avoid giving your potential clients the idea that you aren't consistent when it comes to producing impeccable work. You may also choose to have your portfolio stored in the cloud but as with physical portfolios, don't allow the quality to flag. Remember to keep it updated at all times.
These are but 3 of the many tips that you can be given but with these basics, you are sure to be on your way to a fulfilling career as an illustrator. If you maintain your work's quality and have passion for the job, you get to do what you love and get paid for it, too.