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VigRx Plus Ingredients - How Do They Work?

So what makes women go nuts?What makes men walk around with tremendous confidence?What makes both men and women satisfied in the bedroom?Opinions may vary, but the most popular reason cited it the strength and size of a man's penis.
There are many men who seem to be unsatisfied by their own penile size, and it affects their self-esteem, confidence and their sex life.
In 2000, a product called VigRx was launched into the market.
It gained popularity with men all over the world and has quickly became one of the best penis enlargement pills on the market.
Since then, a better and more effective formula has been produced called VigRx Plus.
This new formulation has all the ingredients in the first formula, with the key addition of 3 new ingredients to make it more powerful than ever.
With this new and powerful formulation, penile dysfunction, premature ejaculations, erection hardness are no longer an issue.
There have been thousands of users that attest to the effectiveness of this new Plus formula.
After user reviews, customers reported more intense orgasms, more control over mood killing premature ejaculations, increased sexual stamina, and orgasm intensity.
This enlargement pill was created by Albion Medical.
Albion Medical has helped thousands of men across the world have a better sex life for years.
They are a dedicated group of professionals that focus on penile enhancement and improvement of sexual function.
After the original formula VigRx came out in 2000, people thought it was impossible to create an even better formula.
Albion Medical has done the impossible with the new and improved Plus formula.
The ingredients of their pill are a formulation of ancient herbs and aphrodisiacs from South America, Europe, and China, which were scientifically studied to produce optimum results and user satisfaction.
The 3 key ingredients added to the new Plus formulation is Tribulus, Damiana, and an ingredient found in no other penis enhancement pill, Bioperine.
The ingredients Damiana and Tribulus have been used successfully for thousands of years to increase libido.
The addition of these ingredients to the already successful VigRx formula has seen user results dramatically improve.
Bioperine is the power-packed ingredient that really makes this formulation stand out among the rest of the crowd.
Bioperine is an ingredient that has been clinically proven to increase the absorption rate of ingredients in herbal supplements.
Basically, Bioperine makes supplements work more effectively and quicker than normal by increasing the rate of which the sexual nutrients are absorbed.
In addition to Bioperine, Damiana was also added to the VigRx Plus formula.
Damiana has been used in Central and South America since the time of the Mayans as a natural aphrodisiac.
It has been recognized for thousands of years as a great way to increase sexual stamina, improve erectile function, and increase orgasm intensity.
Tribulus Terrestris is the third key ingredient added to the Plus formula.
Tribulus has been used in countries like Europe for thousands of years as a way to treat erectile dysfunction and also increase libido.
There have been no reported side effects of its long history use.
It has also been found to increase hormone levels (LH), thus improving testosterone levels in males.
The accurate mixture of these powerful ingredients certainly make VigRx Plus a leading product in natural penis enlargement.
This pill works by increasing the blood flow to the penis forcing your penile tissue cells to expand.
It also increases the force of the blood to your erectile chamber.
As a result, your penis will begin to enlarge in size and width with continuous usage.
Other benefits you can expect include erection hardness, premature ejaculation control, sexual intensity, and sexual stamina.
Since all the ingredients are 100% natural and herbal nutrients, the pill is doctor recommended and safe to use.
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