How to Save Edits in Firebug
- 1). Download and install the FireDiff CSS editing module (see Mozilla FireFox add-ons link in Resources for FireDiff module).
- 2). Launch the FireDiff module on your computer. Then log into your FireBug editorial account.
- 3). Locate the design modules in your FireBug editorial account.
- 4). Click the "Enable" option for the FireDiff module, and access the CSS coding you want to alter. The CSS for the FireBug-published site will appear in the FireDiff text editing table.
- 5). Apply the changes to the CSS. Highlight the text change in the CSS.
- 6). Right-click the highlighted text and select the "Save Diff" option. The changes you made manually will be transferred to the FireBug CSS and applied to the actual site.