New Tribes Mission Methods
- New Tribes Mission seeks to minister in places of the world where there is no Christian presence. The ministry estimates 2,500 of the world's 6,500 people groups have no established Christian church. New Tribes Mission seeks to make connections to these people groups by moving into their communities.
- Missionaries move into communities who have never heard the Christian message, understanding that it will take years to learn the language and culture of the community. Different people groups have different customs. Understanding these customs helps prevent misunderstanding. Learning the language nurtures trust and understanding.
- New Tribes Mission believes that for people who have never heard the Christian message, chronological Bible teaching helps give them a true understanding of the message. Starting in Genesis, missionaries share the truths of the Bible throughout the Old Testament and New Testament. Along the way, teachers show how the whole message of the Bible points to Jesus and God's love for all people groups.
- Missionaries spend as much time maturing new converts as they do reaching out to those who have never heard the Christian message. New Tribes Mission believes in developing mature followers of Christ who will help reach others in the community. Ultimately Christians within a people group reach out to their own people for lasting change to take place.
Focus on Unreached People Groups
Learn Their Language and Culture
Present Solid Bible Teaching
Establish Mature Churches