How to Make Empty Pop Can Earrings
- 1). Wash an empty can to remove any sticky drink residue.
- 2). Cut the top and bottom off of the can with a pair of metal snips.
- 3). Cut down the can's seam, turning the cylinder into a rectangle. The seam features a line along the side that is double-printed and darker than the rest of the can.
- 4). Cut your desired earring shapes out of the can using metal snips. You can also use shaped hole punches if you desire. These are designed for paper, however, and will dull quickly.
- 5). Sand the edges of the metal lightly with steel wool to remove any sharpness.
- 6). Punch a hole at the top of each earring with a thumb tack.
- 7). Thread an earring hook through each hole, then use two pairs of needle-nosed pliers to bend the hook so it is permanently attached to the earring.