How to Get Windows XP to Remember a Network Drive Password
- 1). Click the "Start" button on the Windows XP Taskbar and then click "My Computer." Note the displayed drive letters that are assigned to a drive in the "My Computer" window that appears.
- 2). Click "Start" then "Run" in the menu that appears. Type "cmd" in the Run box and press the "Enter" key.
- 3). Type "net use u: \\path_to_share /persistent:yes /savecred" except replace the "path_to_share" with the actual path of the share to which you are connecting, and replace the "u:" with a drive letter that is not in use, followed by a colon. Press the "Enter" key.
- 4). Type the username and password, when prompted, of an account that has permissions to access the network share, and press the "Enter" key.