6 Natural Remedies For Defeating Depression
The roadway through life is covered with all sorts of hazards.
Things will not always go as we would choose.
Disappointment is lurking around many corners, and the way we handle it determines how we develop and progress as a person.
Some examples are: The anticipated promotion went elsewhere and you feel unappreciated The love of your life moved on and you can not fix it And many, many other life altering events The healthy approach to life is to accept the event for what it is and move on.
Using natural remedies for defeating depression can make the difference between a painful, but healthy, transition through the crisis, and a full blown state of depression requiring professional intervention.
Here are some things we can do: 1.
Accept That This One Battle Is Lost As much as we would like to, we just can not win them all.
Disappointment is natural and forms part of the lessons of life that build character and make us the strong, well adjusted adults we aspire to be.
It hurts, no getting around it, but the trick is to rise above emotions such as hate and feelings of revenge.
Dwelling on negative things opens that door to full blown depression, if we allow it to happen.
Be strong.
If we lose in the battle against depression, then the bad guy wins.
Get Right Back In The Parade Get up off the couch and get out in the world.
Get active and do something.
If you occupy your time with something other than brooding over the loss, then in very short order you will discover that it is not as bad as it first seemed.
There is a whole world out there, waiting for you, and your unique qualities.
Opportunities abound, but only if you are visible, and appear interested in moving on.
Go for a walk, get involved in sports, make new friends.
Who knows, a brand new love of your life might be just around the corner - if you turn the corner.
Resolve not to brood, but to find the positive side of all things.
It might not seem like it at first, but, for every door that closes, another opens.
That is a basic theory of high school physics - for the positive thinker.
Go for it.
Take A Less Active Approach We are not all sports minded.
It dose not matter.
The necessary action is to take your mind off your problems by concentrating on something else.
Take that walk - you need the exercise anyway.
Dig out that digital camera and capture all sorts of incredible images.
Whether you keep them or toss them is not as important as enjoying the challenge.
Read that book that has been tempting you.
Get involved in volunteering and help others as well as yourself.
Learn to play a musical instrument.
The possibilities are endless, and far more attractive than the alternative.
It is OK To Cry The emotional release from tears is a well tried and true method of self healing.
You do not have to do it in public, guys, or even admit that you did cry - if your macho image is that important.
The natural therapy involved is good for all of us.
Just remember, though, it is a short term thing.
Have a good one and then get on with business.
The Primal Scream Sometimes the frustration is so bad that you could do some harm, given the chance.
You are beyond crying.
To use the primal scream, you transport yourself to some quiet place where you can perform the procedure unobserved.
You tilt your head back and you scream out your frustrations just as loud as you can.
If there are trees around, try to frighten the leaves off them and put every small animal within 100 yards to flight.
It works.
It feels great, and it only takes one or two good screams to bring things back around and into perspective again.
The Practical And Proven It has been well documented that exercise, in any form, promotes the release of endorphins.
These are chemicals manufactured in the body and are "uppers," in the vernacular.
The metabolic system needs to be worked and, in response, rewards you with this natural anti-depressant.
Some essential vitamins assist in the creation and stabilization of a variety of brain chemicals known to foster good mental and emotional health.
These include Vitamin C and B Complex vitamins.
Herbs, such as St Johns Wort and Ginkgo, are well respected by medical experts.
5-HTP is another natural compound produced in the body that also fights depression.
You can find all of these in supplement form, but, why would you want to.
A sensible diet of good nourishing food is all the body asks to manufacture all you need right in-house.
Add the exercise and you are a winner in more ways than one.
These six approaches actually work quite well.
Fighting back, even in little ways, is often all you need to get back on the road to a productive and healthier lifestyle.
There are lots of other ways as well.
Giving in, or abandoning hope has no place in the positive mindset.
You can do it.
You have only to make the decision to take control of your own destiny.
Things will not always go as we would choose.
Disappointment is lurking around many corners, and the way we handle it determines how we develop and progress as a person.
Some examples are: The anticipated promotion went elsewhere and you feel unappreciated The love of your life moved on and you can not fix it And many, many other life altering events The healthy approach to life is to accept the event for what it is and move on.
Using natural remedies for defeating depression can make the difference between a painful, but healthy, transition through the crisis, and a full blown state of depression requiring professional intervention.
Here are some things we can do: 1.
Accept That This One Battle Is Lost As much as we would like to, we just can not win them all.
Disappointment is natural and forms part of the lessons of life that build character and make us the strong, well adjusted adults we aspire to be.
It hurts, no getting around it, but the trick is to rise above emotions such as hate and feelings of revenge.
Dwelling on negative things opens that door to full blown depression, if we allow it to happen.
Be strong.
If we lose in the battle against depression, then the bad guy wins.
Get Right Back In The Parade Get up off the couch and get out in the world.
Get active and do something.
If you occupy your time with something other than brooding over the loss, then in very short order you will discover that it is not as bad as it first seemed.
There is a whole world out there, waiting for you, and your unique qualities.
Opportunities abound, but only if you are visible, and appear interested in moving on.
Go for a walk, get involved in sports, make new friends.
Who knows, a brand new love of your life might be just around the corner - if you turn the corner.
Resolve not to brood, but to find the positive side of all things.
It might not seem like it at first, but, for every door that closes, another opens.
That is a basic theory of high school physics - for the positive thinker.
Go for it.
Take A Less Active Approach We are not all sports minded.
It dose not matter.
The necessary action is to take your mind off your problems by concentrating on something else.
Take that walk - you need the exercise anyway.
Dig out that digital camera and capture all sorts of incredible images.
Whether you keep them or toss them is not as important as enjoying the challenge.
Read that book that has been tempting you.
Get involved in volunteering and help others as well as yourself.
Learn to play a musical instrument.
The possibilities are endless, and far more attractive than the alternative.
It is OK To Cry The emotional release from tears is a well tried and true method of self healing.
You do not have to do it in public, guys, or even admit that you did cry - if your macho image is that important.
The natural therapy involved is good for all of us.
Just remember, though, it is a short term thing.
Have a good one and then get on with business.
The Primal Scream Sometimes the frustration is so bad that you could do some harm, given the chance.
You are beyond crying.
To use the primal scream, you transport yourself to some quiet place where you can perform the procedure unobserved.
You tilt your head back and you scream out your frustrations just as loud as you can.
If there are trees around, try to frighten the leaves off them and put every small animal within 100 yards to flight.
It works.
It feels great, and it only takes one or two good screams to bring things back around and into perspective again.
The Practical And Proven It has been well documented that exercise, in any form, promotes the release of endorphins.
These are chemicals manufactured in the body and are "uppers," in the vernacular.
The metabolic system needs to be worked and, in response, rewards you with this natural anti-depressant.
Some essential vitamins assist in the creation and stabilization of a variety of brain chemicals known to foster good mental and emotional health.
These include Vitamin C and B Complex vitamins.
Herbs, such as St Johns Wort and Ginkgo, are well respected by medical experts.
5-HTP is another natural compound produced in the body that also fights depression.
You can find all of these in supplement form, but, why would you want to.
A sensible diet of good nourishing food is all the body asks to manufacture all you need right in-house.
Add the exercise and you are a winner in more ways than one.
These six approaches actually work quite well.
Fighting back, even in little ways, is often all you need to get back on the road to a productive and healthier lifestyle.
There are lots of other ways as well.
Giving in, or abandoning hope has no place in the positive mindset.
You can do it.
You have only to make the decision to take control of your own destiny.