What Paint Colors Match With Pink?
- Choose your palette carefully when decorating with pink.Modern pink sofa on marble to a floor image by terex from Fotolia.com
Whether you're trying to match your pink walls to your furniture or you're trying to find a wall color to match your pink bedspread or another decorative combination, an easy way to determine what colors match pink is to look to nature. Color schemes in nature that include pink often work as color schemes in other settings. - Sea shells, often colored brown and cream on the outside and pink on the inside, make a perfect inspiration for interior decoration. Cream and brown are common colors to pair with pink. The more cream is thrown into the mix, the lighter and airier the color scheme.
- Tropical flowers often feature bright pink or even bold magenta paired with warm colors like dark yellow and light orange. These warm color combinations, with accents of yellow-green (representing the flowers leaves), can make a serious statement in a room. Incidentally, these summery colors also make a lovely color scheme for a July wedding.
- Light pink paired with fragile shades of gray and gray-purple call to mind gorgeous sunsets as the air cools down and the crickets chirp. Lighter shades of gray break up the pink color, and gray-purple makes an attractive accent dispersed around the room in splashes of color, either in the curtains the pillows, or some other area of the furniture or room.
Sea Shells