Engine Tuning Tools
- Tuning an engine will make it run better.engine image by goce risteski from Fotolia.com
When a vehicle begins running sluggishly or using more gas per mile, it may be time for a tune-up. A tune-up replaces vital engine parts that have worn out in order to help the car run better and the engine last longer. Doing your own tune up will save you from paying a large mechanics bill. - You will need both flathead and Phillips screwdrivers to remove various parts that will be replaced. Flathead screwdrivers are also useful for prying stubborn parts loose. You will also need a combination wrench set with a variety of sizes as well as an oil filter wrench. A ratchet with a set of sockets will also be needed and will need to include a spark plug socket to remove the engines spark plugs.
- Electrical grease is used on any electrical connections. It keeps connections from rusting so that they do not need replacement as quickly. It also aids electricity in flowing so that the connection is better. Anti seize is another conductive grease that is used on spark plugs in order to keep them from seizing up in the engine. This makes them last longer and makes them easier to remove when needed.
- A spark plug gap tool will enable you to gap the spark plugs correctly before placing them in the engine. A torque wrench will torque the plugs correctly when they are placed in the engine to ensure they are not too tight or too loose. A spark tester will test the ignition wires for spark to ensure they are conducting correctly. An extendable mirror will be helpful in helping you see out of the way areas when removing or replacing parts. A collapsible magnet will also be helpful. They generally have extendable rods to lengthen them so that you can retrieve tools or screws that have been dropped into the engine. It can also help pull out spark plugs that are hard to reach due to their location. If the vehicle you are tuning up is an older model, a timing light will be useful. It will allow you to check that the timing is correct after the vehicle is tuned. Using a digital camera is also helpful although it is not technically a tool. Taking pictures of parts before you remove them will allow you to see exactly how it goes back together when needed.
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