The Healthy K.I.S.S. Principle
I spent four years studying Nature Cure under the guidance of Mr.
Kenneth S.
At the end of those four years I was told to go out and set up my practise.
"Learn what you can in ten years and then come back and be prepared to start all over again.
" were my teachers instructions.
I did what I was told - I set up my practise and spent ten years learning my trade and profession.
I returned after ten years - and then I returned again after the next ten years.
And so - Katy and I are starting out again - beginning at the beginning - advertising, booking halls, lecturing, writing and opening our clinical practise to those that are interested in improving their health in the most natural manner possible.
We have a great deal of material that needs to be compiled, updated and put into digital order so that the true information behind the practise of natural living and natural healing remains available for posterity.
And, as with all my efforts in the teaching of natural health, I find myself saying things like; - What do I say? - It's all been said before and by more eloquent people than myself.
- How many ways can we say; - that there is no cure for disease - the disease is the process of healing.
- that the body heals itself.
- that all drugs are useless - the best that they can do is cause a side-effect.
- that the human animal is a vegetarian one.
- that conservation of energy is the only way to overcome a health problem.
- that quality is more important than quantity.
Jaffrey wrote about these things for over 65 years - always willing to give credit to those who had gone before him - and now...
I feel that I am in similar straits - I have nothing new to add to the sum total of natural living and natural healing except the tone of my own observations - however, I will say this about that...
Don't leave your run too late - begin your health program to-day and keep working on it for ten years.
After your initial attempts - engage the timeless principles of health once more and begin the next ten years of your life.
Continue in this manner until the candle very gently blows out - and that's your lot in life - all the best in continuing to do what needs to be done.
Kenneth S.
At the end of those four years I was told to go out and set up my practise.
"Learn what you can in ten years and then come back and be prepared to start all over again.
" were my teachers instructions.
I did what I was told - I set up my practise and spent ten years learning my trade and profession.
I returned after ten years - and then I returned again after the next ten years.
And so - Katy and I are starting out again - beginning at the beginning - advertising, booking halls, lecturing, writing and opening our clinical practise to those that are interested in improving their health in the most natural manner possible.
We have a great deal of material that needs to be compiled, updated and put into digital order so that the true information behind the practise of natural living and natural healing remains available for posterity.
And, as with all my efforts in the teaching of natural health, I find myself saying things like; - What do I say? - It's all been said before and by more eloquent people than myself.
- How many ways can we say; - that there is no cure for disease - the disease is the process of healing.
- that the body heals itself.
- that all drugs are useless - the best that they can do is cause a side-effect.
- that the human animal is a vegetarian one.
- that conservation of energy is the only way to overcome a health problem.
- that quality is more important than quantity.
Jaffrey wrote about these things for over 65 years - always willing to give credit to those who had gone before him - and now...
I feel that I am in similar straits - I have nothing new to add to the sum total of natural living and natural healing except the tone of my own observations - however, I will say this about that...
Don't leave your run too late - begin your health program to-day and keep working on it for ten years.
After your initial attempts - engage the timeless principles of health once more and begin the next ten years of your life.
Continue in this manner until the candle very gently blows out - and that's your lot in life - all the best in continuing to do what needs to be done.