Worry Or General Anxiety Disorder?
I spent many years thinking I had something called worry guts.
I'd be entering into an uncomfortable situation - meeting new people, giving a speech or presentation, being away from my comfort zone (people or places), taking a test, etc and I'd get the telltale signs that my body was going to defy my wishes.
I'd get my typical anxiety symptoms - my stomach would cease up, I'd get hot all over, pain in my abdomen and a big need to hit the washroom ASAP.
I know it sounds like too much information but if you are a sufferer of "worry guts" you know exactly what I'm talking about.
This was not a good way to be, let's face it life can throw you curve-balls and you can't always be running to the bathroom at the mention of something that might put you out of your comfort zone.
I really didn't know what to do to overcome this physical problem.
Can't live the rest of my life on medication for IBS when I know what's causing the problem and that by treating the symptoms I wasn't going to get to the root of the issue.
I started researching on the Internet what I was really dealing with and what I could do about it.
Here's the anxiety symptoms I found for General Anxiety Disorder: Muscle tension, aches, or soreness Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep Stomach problems, nausea, diarrhea Jumpiness or unsteadiness Edginess or restlessness Tiring easily Well now who does that sound like I asked myself? I read the symptoms for regular worry and it was describing the person I'd like to be.
A bit of anxiety is normal, getting physical distress symptoms from it is not.
I'd be entering into an uncomfortable situation - meeting new people, giving a speech or presentation, being away from my comfort zone (people or places), taking a test, etc and I'd get the telltale signs that my body was going to defy my wishes.
I'd get my typical anxiety symptoms - my stomach would cease up, I'd get hot all over, pain in my abdomen and a big need to hit the washroom ASAP.
I know it sounds like too much information but if you are a sufferer of "worry guts" you know exactly what I'm talking about.
This was not a good way to be, let's face it life can throw you curve-balls and you can't always be running to the bathroom at the mention of something that might put you out of your comfort zone.
I really didn't know what to do to overcome this physical problem.
Can't live the rest of my life on medication for IBS when I know what's causing the problem and that by treating the symptoms I wasn't going to get to the root of the issue.
I started researching on the Internet what I was really dealing with and what I could do about it.
Here's the anxiety symptoms I found for General Anxiety Disorder: Muscle tension, aches, or soreness Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep Stomach problems, nausea, diarrhea Jumpiness or unsteadiness Edginess or restlessness Tiring easily Well now who does that sound like I asked myself? I read the symptoms for regular worry and it was describing the person I'd like to be.
A bit of anxiety is normal, getting physical distress symptoms from it is not.